Good morning,
Christina and I, are welcoming you to our 42nd Inventory Challenge. This week, our theme is Something old, Something blue. As soon as I read these two little phrases, my mind shifted on a wedding preparation! A bride must wear: Something old, something blue, something borrowed and something new... So, I let myself go very freely with that inspiration! As I colored the little wedding couple from LOTV I found myself facing this situation: my color theme was going to be in the warm brown shades!I used a wonderful sketch from Hélène, DT at Scrapbook ta vie. Bon vendredi,
Ce matin, Christina et moi vous accueillons à note 41e Inventory Challenge. Notre thème, cette semaine, est: Something Old, Something blue. Tout suite j'ai complété la phrase: Something old, Something blue, Something borrowed, Something new... Le kit que toute mariée qui se respecte doit porter le jour de ses noces. Je suis donc allée dans cette direction: un mariage. J,ai choisi cette adorable image de LOTV, et j'ai travaillé avec le sketch d'Hélène, une DT chez Scrapbook ta vie, dont le travail m'inspire et avec qui j'ai le plaisir d'échanger quelques mots.
It would make me very happy if you would visit my friends and teammates, Christina, Rene, Cathy and we have thepleasure of welcoming back our dear Sandy. Thank you for your visit, next week, our theme will be, Swirls and Curves!
Je vous invite à visiter mes amies et coéquipières, Christina, Rene, Cathy et Sandy, qui nous revient en grande forme! Merci de votre visite, la semaine prochaine, notre thème sera Swirls and Curves.

LOTV Stamp, Stempleglede vintage garden (around the image - autour de l'image)
Colored with/ coloriée avec: Distress inks (Tattered rose, spun sugar, Worn Lipstick Aged Mahogany, scattered straw, walnut stain, tea dye, pumice tone, weathered wood)
Smooch: in Luscious lime, Shabby pink,
Liquid Pearl, Opal white
Stickles in Diamond,
AC Cardstock glitter paper
EK success I do, wedding collection
White lace died with SU soft suede
The beautiful leaves are from Scrapbook ta vie; Les feuiles décoratives sont de Scrapbook ta vie
FLowers from my stash, colored with walnut stain (fleurs de mon inventaire,coloriée avec Walnut stain)
Pearls from my stash /Perles de mon inventaires
Autre/other: Cricut Elegant Edges pour l'oval.
Autre/other: Cricut Elegant Edges pour l'oval.