Hello Dear blogging friends!
I am late this afternoon publishing my latest venture! After visiting Chris Dark's blog last week, and reading about her joining the Craft Barn Alpha challenge starting earlier this month, I went searching for a dictionary and decided to embark upon this journey of mix media discovery! I found a little french-english Robert-Collins dictionary, a very different size I am used to work with. And read the V section in english! I was instantly inspired by the word Valentine! I would certainly be out of my comfort zone, but I would bring a friend along, Tilda, and would not feel too lost!
Bonjour fidèles lectrices!
Merci de votre visite! je partage avec vous aujourd'hui ma première expérience de mix-média! C'est une visite au blogue de Chris Dark qui m'a incitée à participer au Craft Barn Alpha Challenge. Je trouvais la formule vraiment amusante. Je me suis trouvée un vieux dictionnaire français-anglais, un format avec lequel je ne suis pas dutout habituée de travailler et je ne suis pas allée très loin, le mot "valentine" a tout de suite attirée mon attention, et je me suis mise à la tâche. Le mix-media me sort vraiment de ma zone de confort, moi la perfectionniste! mais j'ai amenée avec moi une amie pour ne pas me sentir trop dépaysée: Tilda...
A close up of the letter V, and the word "Valentine" with possible translations
Un gros plan de la lettre "V" et du mot choisi avec ses traductions possibles.
Un gros plan de la lettre "V" et du mot choisi avec ses traductions possibles.
Working on such poor quality paper is an adventure in itself, cause everything can happen! I used gesso on my pages, then used distress inks, stamped my images and dare using Crackle paint to give an antique look. Well... what do you know, gesso did not like crackle paint, I was loosing pieces! I gave a chance to Triple Thick glaze to settle everything, and it worked, but the paper became fragile! Well, next time I will know what to do! You will recognize Tilda with dot bow, and Bonny Tilda from the Love collection, colored with copics; the other stamps used are from different collection of Tim Holtz, Stamper's anonymous. the lovely die cuts are from Make it Crafty.
Travailler sur un papier non conçu à cet effet est en soi une aventure! J'ai étendu une couche de gesso sur mes pages, encrer avec des Distress, étamper mes images à l'encre noir, puis j'ai osé une couche de Crackle paint... bien elle et le gesso ne s'aiment pas beaucoup! La craquelure était parfaite, mais s'écallait, alors pour m'assurer de ne pas tout perdre, j'ai recouvert mes pages d,un glacis brillant. C'est alors que mon papier est devenu très fragile! Vous reconnaîtrez Tilda with dot bow, et Bonny Tilda de la dernière collection Magnolia Love 2013, mes images sont coloriées aux copics; les autres étampes sont de Tim Holtz, Stamper,s Anonymous et les découpes de Make it Crafty.
A view of the complete altered pages.
Une vue entière des pages altérées.
A close up of tilda holding the letter "V" and the little heart with arrow that points toward the selected word..
Un gros plan de Tilda qui tient la lettre V, du petit coeur percé d'une flèche qui indique le mot choisi.
The cute little Bonny tilda, I enjoyed coloring nude skin, and chubby behind! it is also possible to see the crackled background, the cute film strip and the heart die cut.
La mignonne Bonny Tilda en gros plan, j'ai adoré colorier un nu, surtout les petites fesses toutes dodues! il est possible de voir la bande de film, les craquelures, et la découpe en coeur.
thank you very much for stopping, and sharing this moment with me! I will wait impatiently for the next challenge to find with witch letter we will work!
Merci de votre visite, ainsi que d'avoir partagé avec moi ce moment ! J,attends impatiemment le nouveau défi, j'ai hâte de voir avec quelle lettre nous travaillerons.
Craft Barn Challenge, Letter V - entry No. 39

40 commentaires:
WOW Danielle!!!! C'est super!!! J'adore tout le crackle et les belles images. J'aime comment tu as fais le V et le gros coeur, c'est magnifique! Pour une perfectioniste, je trouve que tout est parfait!!!! Bises, Brigitte
This is lovely. A fab background and I like the way she's holding the letter.
LOVE IT!!! What a fantastic idea. Great use of all the stamps to create this splendid scene. I love the colors that you also used. Once again Danielle you did a marvelous job!
Hugs, Cathy
Oh Danielle, after all that just look at your beautiful dictionary page! I love it! I am glad you are doing this too, I think it is fun and different but I have my hands into other things so decided not to join this time. Your first try at it and you did a amazing job, looking forward to more!!
Hugs Kelly
Gorgeous wok Danielle.
I have never tried any mixed media work. it looks fun.
Hugs Maz
You are blowing me away with all the different techniques you've used on this fabulous card! How brave you are to jump right in and give it a try. A success has been achieved... beautifully done my friend!
This is amazing...I've never done anything like this before and yours is awe-inspiring!
Rene :D
Oh Danielle je suis contente de voir se que je vois!!! Tu t'es lancé. J'adore ta scène,le choix des étampes nous transporte dans un endroit très romantique et avec tout les petits détails en relatif avec le thème ,l'échelle avec la péllicule très bonne idée.Tilda est magnifique comme d'habitude et cupidon... trop mignon!
Tout est parfait et j'espère que sa veux dire que la prochaine fois qu'on se voit on se tâche les doigts ensemble...hihi!!
Wow!! This is fantastic Danielle!! Gorgeous work! : )
What a neat idea! I love it! :) Nancee
What adorable images. Your page spread is so pretty!
Hi Daniel,
How wonderful to see your mixed media.
First try and it's great! Love it! Both of your Tilda's are coloured wonderfully. Love the different hearts and the way you outlined the Valentine part of your dictionary.
Hugs, Candy
Magnolia-licious Designer
Tu as mis la main sur un beau petit dictionnaire....mais c'est vrai que les pages sont fragiles!!
On peut dire que le MM te vas comme un charme....avec des débuts comme celui-là...c'est prometteur!!
Tous ces petits détails et ces personnages...on te reconnaît! Félicitations Danielle! ...à quand la suite??? ;-))
Wow fantastic card, love all the detail designs
This is absolutly gorgeus, Danielle!
Wow!! Lots of different techniques in this project. Love your mixed media and adding these cute little images ties everything in so well.
Wonderful Danielle! Good for you stepping out of your comfort zone and making something soooo cool looking! Very pretty! I too tried the mixed media thingy with Christy Tomlinson and was an epic disaster! haha! I will try it again because I can watch the videos for a year and hopefully can come out with something worth looking at. You did a fantastic job on this piece!
Hugs, Dena
Beautiful work Danielle in such a small and fiddly book. What an adventure you had with your thin pages though!! My book for the challenge has very thin pages too so I am sticking a few together on each side of my spread for a bit of stability, maybe something you could try??
Hugs x
I love your cute interpretation, very different!
Thank you for joining the challenge at Craftbarn :-)
Mixed media is so fun, Danielle. I dabble in it from time to time with my scrapbooks. Your pages are really creative and love your Tildas. Check out Marti Wills at the Color Me Creative site as she has a mixed media class. Here is her blog
Cathy Lee
Beautiful Pages Danielle..Loz
Je suis ravie d'avoir trouve votre page... Je suis scrappeuse francophone qui n'a jamais eu l'opportunite de rencontrer le monde scrap francais! Je vous souhaite du bonheur et de la chance avec votre blog.... J'adore vos images et vos talents!
Merci!!! a bientot!
Hey Danielle -- I am still here - late as usual!!! I have never doubted your talent and you have always loved to experiment! This is fantastic -- it all turned out beautifully!! It is so much fun to try something new and adventurous!! I love this Danielle and I loved the book you made for Cathy! You are indeed a wonderful artist and who better to let challenge us than Chris. I am looking at your dictionary page right now and it is grand - love your hearts. Big sigh!!!!!
Beautiful start to this challenge !!
Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn
ben moi je dis bravo! c'est une réussite pour une première !
What gorgeous pages. Love the collage look.
Danielle, another fabulous project. I love it that you keep finding new challenges and take us with you through the journey. Love the new images you've beautifully coloured--chuckled at that cute tush of Bonny Tilda. Love the crackled background--gotta try doing that.
OoOh my dear Danielle!!! I am "WOWED" to bits!!! I am floored at this new journey that you've taken .. and I LOVE IT!!! The crinkled pages with the aged feel and color .. sigh .. it's just so GORGEOUS!!! And all the different stamps on the background .. it gives it such a very unique feel .. I truly admire it! Such perfect Maggie's to use with this .. hehe .. cute little tushy there too! lol!! I adore that one! :) What can I say my dear? I love this more than I can put into words! Absolutely incredible!
WOW....what could I possibly add to all those accolades???? Indeed, your work is impressive and truly outstanding. This is quite a new adventure and you pulled it off beautifully! Outstanding work, my friend!
This is just gorgoeus, I love the textures and colours, just beautiful Danielle
Hugs Julie P
Waww!! Ma chère Danielle... chapeau bas!! Franchement je suis ébahie, si je n'avais pas su que c'est ta première expérience je me serais dit sans hésiter que c'est une pro du MM qui a fait ceci!! J'adore!! Un gros bravo et continue de sortir comme ça de ta zone de confort, pour notre plus grand plaisir mais pour le tien avant tout! Bravo!!
Clara XXX...
Oh this is beautiful, so much to look at in such a little book! Thank you for joining us at The Craft Barn x
A fabulous card Danielle, such beautiful colours and inking. Tilda is so sweet and your details are sensational!!!
Heather xx
This is gorgeous Danielle. Love it.
Hugs Tracy x
Oh wow Danielle your pages look gorgeous hunny, I love all the little details and the softness of your colouring
hugs Mandy xx
Fabulous pages, love the stamps and all the background work.
WOWWWWWWWWW!!!! C'est vraiment splendide!!!!Je te lève mon chapeau, tu t'es vraiment laisser aller et c'est une vrai réussite...va falloir que je me lance moi aussi!!! En tout cas, ça te va bien de sortir de ta zone de confort lol!!!!
Aw Danielle, your card looks so romantic. Love the beautiful DP and embellishments combo. Gorgeous image coloring. All the elements put together making this card so perfect!!
I'm absolutely thrilled to bits that you're joining in with the challenge Danielle and I adore your interpretation!
You are so clever to use the Tilda's in this way, I love your idea and your design is superb, such beautiful colouring and mixed media effects too.
We're learning as we go with this aren't we....what will work on the aged, thin paper and what will not, it's fun though!
Can't wait to see what you do with 'C'.
Big hugs,
Chris x
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