Bon samedi!
Quelle magnifique journée nous avons sur Montréal, je vous en souhaite une toute aussi belle partout sur la planète. Je partage avec vous, aujourd'hui, une carte toute spéciale, en tout point de vue! Un 60e anniversaire de mariage, on ne voit plus ca beaucoup de nos jours! J'ai choisi Tom and Tilly, une image de Mo Manning, qui exprime à elle seule toute la tendresse et le courage que l'on imagine pouvoir représenter un tel exploit. Ce fut aussi tout un exploit de trouver le moyen d'effacer un voile tout gris derrière mon image! Ma nouvelle imprimante est si sophistiquée qu'elle révèle un fond invisible à l'oeil; et Photoshop n'a pas fait de magie cette fois, j'ai pas trouvé le moyen! Alors...j'ai imprimé l'image sur un papier glacé, conçu pour les encres à l'alcool Ranger, coloriée aux copics, belle aventure! je voulais donner une impression d'aquarelle; je me suis servi du gris en fond d'image et j'ai accentué avec du bleu violet, le tout au airbrush. J'ignore la provenance de mes papiers, ils m'attendaient dans mon inventaire! Bien entendu, j'avais reçu la commande pour une Boitatou agencée.
Happy Saturday!
Such a wonderful day we have over Montreal, celebrating the arrival of summer! I would like to share with you today a very very special card. Rare these days, that we hear of celebrating a 60th wedding anniversary! For the occasion, I though Tom and Tilly - a Mo Manning image, was just perfect. It expresses tenderness and courage, and it should take a lot of those to achieve 60 years of partnership! Printing it, by itself was a feat! This new printer of mine kept on "imagining" a grey background that I cannot see, even Photoshop remained unable to give me a clear background; I am still studying this matter! I managed to get a palish grey which I used in airbrushing my background! The image is printed on Ranger Glossy paper for alcohol inks, colored with copics; I wanted to try giving a look of watercolor to my image. Unfortunately, I do not remember the brad of papers I used, they were waiting for me in my stash. I wanted the Boitatou simple and elegant.
L'intérieur de la carte.
The inside of the card.
Une photo rapprochée de l'image.
A close up of the image
La Boitatou coordonnée
The matching Boitatou
The set.
Merci de votre visite et de vos gentils commentaires.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving kindness.

9 commentaires:
beautiful card
Absolument magnifique, c'est de toute beauté!
With your small issues, this card looks stunning. I love the coloring and background of the couple. This is a great one to use, very sweet aren't they. I love the elegance of the card, so professional. The flowers and rings are so romantic, you sure put some love into this card, I love it!
Hugs Kelly
This is beautiful, Danielle. Love this image of Tom and Tilly. I need to try the glossy paper.
c'est magnifique!!! tu as fait des merveilles avec le fond !!!
Oh my word Danielle - we should all be so talented. You know I have always said you are an artist. And an artist you are indeed! Beautiful card - I think you achieved what you set out to do. Bravo!
Sandy xx
Danielle you have created magic again. Everything is so beautiful and your details are awesome! What an awesome duo. I love it all! Sorry I've been mia lately. My Mom has been very ill. It's always a treat to visit your blog to see your phenomenal creations!
Huge hugs, Cathy
uh oh .. I tried leaving a comment and something happened .. so I will try again.
Dear Danielle! This card is simply BEAUUUUTIFUL and filled with so many gorgeous details! I know the couple will LOVE this so much!!! And I truly love this image .. it's a "feel good" image .. one that makes me smile with fondness!
I hope you had a lovely weekend! And hope your hubby had a fabulous Father's Day!!!
Sending you BIG hugs!
Ah la la comme c'est beau et remplie de douceur!!! Félicitations aux fêtés!!
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