It seems being late is the story of my life lately... I am still not done with my card for our inventory challenge, it is 9:00 AM (EST). All I can say for my excuse is life has been hectic around here lately, and a day has only 24 hours... I have a preview of what I am working on however, it could be called a teaser, but this is the best I can do at this time. I will keep on working this morning and try to post as soon as I can.

2 commentaires:
Oh Danielle, I understand completely!! This is the first time in DAYS that I have had the chance to check in on everyone to see what they're doing. I love Christmas though and wish it could last a little longer....
Hugs to you!
Deb T.
Bienvenue dans le club ma chère Danielle. On a toutes le même problème. Je trouve que tu nous tente beaucoup avec cette image. Elle a un aura autour d'elle tellement elle brille. J'ai hâte de voir le résultat final. N'oublie surtout pas de t'amuser......
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