Bonne fin de journée!
Je ne croyais pas revenir si vite... Je vous présente mon 2e projet DT pour Scrapbook ta vie, le défi couleurs. J,ai créé une carte de remerciements, en utilisant une image adorable de MoManning, intitulée Bunches, étampée sur Bristol et coloriée avec Prismacolors (vous trouverez la liste ci-dessous). vous ai-je déjà dit que j'achetais toujours mes fleurs blanches ou ivoires? Je vous ai fait un gros plan du bouquet, afin d'admirer les lis et les tulipes, qui sont teints à l'encre, précisément la bonne couleur! J,ai aussi réalisé mes petites feuilles en perles et les gerbes. J'espère qu'elle vous inpirera! et je vous invite à participer en grand nombre, ICI.
Good afternoon,
I did not think I would post so rapidly! Here is my 2nd dT project for Scrapbook ta vie, the color theme. I created a thank you card, using Mo Manning's wonderful Bunches image, stamped on bristol, and colored with prismacolor. Did I ever told you I buy most of my flowers white or Ivory? Simply because I love coloring them, precisely the shade I need, such as the lily and the tulips on my card. I also made my little beaded leaves, and the sprays. Hope it will inspire you.
I will nter my card in the following challenge
DP2 - Challenge No. 106, a Holiday or a celebration
Matériel utilisé/List of supplies
Étampes: Mo Manning, Bunches
Prismacolor + Taltine
Peau/Skin: PC997,Beige;PC939 pêche; PC1031 Brun henné; PC947 Brun ombre foncé;
Cheveux/Hair: PC997 beige; PC947 bun foncé ombré; PC941 brun ombré clair;
Tablier/Apron: PC1023 bleu nuage; PC1068 gris français 10%; PC1065 gris froid 70%; PC1027 Gris froid 90%; PC1047 bleu tuile métallique; PC901 bleu indigo
boucle/bow, crinoline/frill: blanc; PC937 rouge toscan; PC1029 rouge acajou
Fleurs / flowers: PC1005 vert lime; PC988 vert océanique;; rouge et bleu - même série que ci-haut.
23 commentaires:
This is just beautiful! The colors and coloring are wonderful, and the little matching bouquet of flowers is gorgeous! Glad you shared it with us in Mo's Challenge.
Absolutely stunning Danielle! I just love this card your image is coloured beautifully and those flowers are to die for. Delightful card,just lovely
hugs Julie P
BRAVO Danielle!!!! Gosh this is gorgeous!!! Love everything about this creation of yours.
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Quelle jolie carte Danielle! J'aime beaucoup la façon que tu as placé tes fleurs sur la boucle, on dirait un vrai bouquet. Magnifique !
The way you did the bow with the flowers is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I am so glad you joined us this week at Mo's. Hope to see you again.
Je peux simplement imaginer la couleur des mains de la petite fille que tu as dessiné. Elle a l'air si espiègle et adorable en même temps.
Défi hautement réalisé. chapeau car le bouquet ne devais pas être simple à dessiné
GASP.....OMG, Danielle, this is absolutely divine....such a precious image!!! I love the gorgeous flowers, the handmade beaded leaves and the gorgeous bow. The image is colored MAGNIFICENTLY...A WORK OF ART!
Pas facile à réaliser cette étampe!
Tu as vraiment un don...c'est superbe!
Et j'adooooooore ton bouquet,du plus bel effet!!
Toutes mes félicitations ma chère!!
A gorgeous card hun! Also thank you so much for leaving a kind comment on my blog :) xxx
Beautiful card, I love the color palette. Fabulous coloring as well as your flower grouping. Everything in your card blends so well together. Have a great week
C'est donc bien beau ça!!!!!!
Toujours aussi merveilleuse...
Bonne idée pour les fleurs!!!
Continue à me faire rêver, peut-être qu'un jour...!!!
Oh GORGEOUS!!! I am so excited to see you here in this week's challenge at Mo's! Your card is just stunning...and the flowers match the flowers in Mo's image! Brilliant! Hugs. Pat Frank
Hi Danielle! Ooooh this is DARLING! Such a GORGEOUSLY coloured image .. look at her! She is as happy as can be to be on the front of your stunning card! I would be too! hehe! :) Love your custom made flowers and beaded leaves!
Much love,
Hi Danielle~! This is sooo gorgeous!Thanks so much for playing with us at Mo’s!
Hey Danielle - your card is beautiful - what a wonderful idea about the flowers and they match so perfectly. This is one beautiful card sweet lady!
Mon Dieu, Danielle, that bunch is to die for! I mean your, Mo's also wwonderful but I'm drooling over yours now:) You are so careful with colors and nuances; great ide to buy white and ivory flowers only and color them afterwards; I used to do that too sometimes; but then I just got lazy:( And these flowers are simply adorable; so are those bead leaves- a la Danielle I call them:) Gorgeous coloring too!
Oh Danielle!!! This is GORGEOUS!!!! That image is just cute beyond words but the way you have colored her...MAGNIFICENT!!!! LOVE this beautiful card!
Rene :D
Goodness Danni, love Mo's stamp. You did her such justice and your coloring of her and teddy and big needle is so precious and your flower and papers are so gorgeous. This is a Beautiful card and you have done it justice..
Hugs, Jean
superbe ta carte elle est tres jolie , j'aime bcp , bisous
this is so sweet Danielle! what a lovely card to share with someone! Beautifully colored and designed.
Danielle, this is so sweet. And oh my, your flower arrangement matches the bouquet that adorable gal is carrying. Love everything about this card, the image, your fab colouring and the colour combo, the layout and the beautiful DP's. I like your use of the black ribbon-on this card and your other one too.
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