C'est un message assez long, plein de photos, que j'ai pour vous aujourd'hui, tirez vous une chaise, et savourez un bon thé... ou un café. Je ne cache jamais mon plaisir de travailler avec les Boitatou! Lorsqu'on me fait une commande spéciale, on demande toujours la petite boîte coordonnée! Je vous présente ici les ensembles que j'ai conçus pendant l'été, et que je n,ai pas eu le temps de venir afficher! Vous reconnaîtrez certainements toutes ces cartes parues antérieurement sur mon blogue, elles ont toutes été "adoptées" récemment, et offertes avec la Boitatou!
Happy Monday!
I invite you to grab a chair and a tea or a coffee... this is a long post, with lots of pictures. I always enjoy talking and working with Boitatou, a lovely product from my home town. Each time I am asked to create a special card for someone, the Boitatou is always requested along. I will be sharing with you the kits I have made during summer and was never able to post. You will certainly recognize all of the cards previously made for the pleasure, but are now in the hands of a special person.
Toute en douceur et fémine avec ses boucles roses!
Mettant en vedette les merveileux papiers de Pion Design.
In shades of soft pink and green, with flowers and bows,
featuring the most beautiful papers from Pion Design, and Miss Tilda.
In shades of soft pink and green, with flowers and bows,
featuring the most beautiful papers from Pion Design, and Miss Tilda.
Sous le thème du thé! pour une amateure..
For a tea lover!
Un look champêtre, dans des teintes d'automne pour Françoise
A country style in fall colors with lots of embossing, for Françoise.
A country style in fall colors with lots of embossing, for Françoise.
Pêche et bleu, avec un papillon en métal et de jolies fleurs.
Peach and blue with a cute metal butterfly and flowers.
Un envol de libellules! quel plaisir de les colorier aux copics!
Dragonflies colored with copics in fall colors.
Et maintenant... des expériences tout à fait hors de ma zone de confort ! La Boitatou m'a servie de support pour expérimenter sa résistance aux mixed médias! Je m'en suis donnée à coeur joie, soit avec de la peinture, soit avec du crayon de cire fondu, et même de l'aquarelle! La Boitatou n'a jamais perdu sa forme, et le carton est demeuré intact après toutes ces manipulations. Je vous présente donc ces réalisations, qui sont en soi des ébauches, car seulement le dessus est décoré, je ne sais encore ce que j'en ferai, mais il est certain qu'elles accompagneront une carte ou ... autre chose!.
this brings me to more recent projects, totally out of my comfort zone. I used Boitatou as base for experiences in mixed media. I definitely played, either with paint, wax crayons and even watercolor. I am happy to say that Boitatou never lost its shape, and remained in perfect condition. I share with you those creations, that are not completed, I only worked on the top, I do not know what I will do with them, but it is most certain that they will accompany a card in the near future, or something else...
Le dessus de la Boitatou a été couvert avec une toile (sticky back canvas) sur lequel j,ai tout simplement fait fondre du crayon de cire! et ce fond m'a tout simplement inspiré la citation, et je me suis amusée à fouiller mon inventaire à la recherche d'éléments pouvant bien l'illustrer.
For this very first one, I covered the top of the box with sticky back canvas, on which I simply melted wax crayons. When completed, the background inspired me with the quote, and I searched through my inventory for appropriate decorative elements.
For this very first one, I covered the top of the box with sticky back canvas, on which I simply melted wax crayons. When completed, the background inspired me with the quote, and I searched through my inventory for appropriate decorative elements.
Ici, j'ai recouvert le dessus de la boite avec du gesso. Puis, j'ai sorti crayons à l'aquarelle, gelato et ma palette d'aquarelle, que j'avais caché au fond du garde-robe... J,ai été inspirée par le style d'une artiste connue sous le nom de ContadinaK qui dessine pour Scap of Darkness. Je l'adore, et j,avoue que son style me parle. J,ai été tout à fait enchantée de constater que la Boitatou n'avait pas bronché, même après avoir été imbibée d'eau!
In this second example, I worked on a coat of gesso, with watercolor pencils, gelato and watercolor. I was inspired by a wonderful artist , ContadinaK who designs for Scrap of Darkness. I love her work so much, and must confess that her style truly "speak" to me.
In this second example, I worked on a coat of gesso, with watercolor pencils, gelato and watercolor. I was inspired by a wonderful artist , ContadinaK who designs for Scrap of Darkness. I love her work so much, and must confess that her style truly "speak" to me.
Pour cette dernière création, j'ai travaillé avec un médium à craquer. la boite au complet est peinte à l'acrylique. j'ai beaucoup aimé le résultat !
For this very last creation, I worked with a crackled medium and acrylic paint. I really love the result.
For this very last creation, I worked with a crackled medium and acrylic paint. I really love the result.
J'espère que toutes ces idées vous inspireront! Je vous reviens bientôt avec des créations de Noel pour le Crop en ligne de Boitatou, auquel je participe comme DT invitée. Il est toujours temps de vous inscrire sur le forum, en cliquant ici:
I wish you have enjoyed your journey! I will be back soon, with other Boitatou creations for Christmas, as I will be guest DT for their on line crop during all the month of November.
If you want to participate, follow the link:
Bonne semaine!
Have a lovely week.

15 commentaires:
Belles boites a tout Danielle. Les ensembles cartes et boites a tout vont tres bien ensemble, felicitations. Les trois mediums utilises sont bien reussis. C'est tres original aussi les effets que ca donne.
Bravo encore une fois pour tout.
Je t'embrasse,
Patricia xx
What fantastic creations Danielle! Each project is fantastic and a work of art. Now I know why you've been so busy. Lots of yummy creations with assorted media. Your cards and boxes are always so beautiful and now you've expanded onto canvas. Your artistic talent has unleashed.
Hugs, Cathy
Danielle, I saw some folks coming to my blog from yours and so tracked back to you. I'm so glad that I did! What a beautiful array of projects you have here! And congratulations on stepping out of your comfort zone - your mixed media projects are just beautiful, and you have a lovely hand with the hot glue! i'm going to link to your blog from my fb page so that folks i know can come see your creativity! thank you so much for linking back to me and sharing that i've been able to inspire you! big smile. -vivian
wow que de belles trouvailles je viens de faire!! Tout est magnifique et tellement inspirant!! Merci de partager avec nous ton talent!
Wow! These are just gorgeous!! I love the texture on the vivid blue one, You've done a fabulous job here Danielle
Hugs julie P
You take my breath away Danielle - I swear you really do. Your makes are always just perfect. Never over done. You know just when to stop. Beautiful work Danielle - just gorgeous. The last two are my favorites. The colors of the orange and blue and the texture. That would make a beautiful painting in anyone's home! And the Secret Garden is so sweet. You sure have given me plenty to think about this morning Daniel!
Je suis sous le charme devant autant de belles créations!
J'aime particulièrement le craquelé de la Boitatou "jardin secret", l'effet est merveilleux.
Quel talent tu as Danielle, bravo!!!
toutes très belles, Danielle!
WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! Danielle, je vais te poursuivre pour cassage de machoire, lol!!! Il a fallu que je la ramasse du plancher après avoir mopper la bave! Elles sont toutes superbes!!!! J'adore!!! Le jardin secret est si romantique et vintage. La bleu est ma favorite, c'est comme une plongée dans un océan calme. Que dire de la cage à oiseau, tout est parfait! Tu es tellement douée et plein de talent. Bravo!!! Bises, Brigitte
Wow wow wow Dear Danielle! I am speechless and these have taken my breath away! Absolutely INCREDIBLE projects .. each and every one unique and yet all so beyond GORGEOUS! My gosh, they are simply AMAZING!!!!!
PS .. a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you on your GD spot!!! :) Very very well deserved! I can't wait to see your projects!!!!!!!! :)
Much Love,
OMG....my friend, I am speechless!
Each and every one is a work of art....magnifique!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your attention to details is always impressive and your coloring...superb!!!!!! BRAVO, my friend!
I am so sorry I am late, too busy but what a fabulous post this is!!! So grand all of it seen together!! Look at your mixed media, oh I love how you are experimenting and it is turning out so fabulous! Danielle you are not afraid and I love the result. I really adore your coloring on your cards and those matching boxes, so gorgeous!!
Can't wait for the others to come!!
Hugs Kelly
These projects are a feast for the eyes Danielle! So many pretty cards and projects. I love your diversity!!!
Hugs, Dena
I knew, when I saw your post on facebook, that I wanted to take time to watch your precious projects. I love to see the way your turning out of your comfortzone. And I hope you will do this over and over. My goodness Danielle, these creations are so spectacular. It's like Christina says: your attention to details are impressive, it is incredible.
OMG, Danielle, you blew my mind. I love how you've personalized each and every one of your boxes. And the accompanying cards are truly gorgeous. I'm sure your friends appreciate the love and work that you've put into your projects.
And your work in mixed media are works of art. You are so very creative. Love how you're sharing your journey with us.
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