Good Saturday dear friends,
Finally, I have been able to come to an end with my Sound of Music album, if Canada Post can collaborate, it should be in the hands of Elise pretty soon. Get yourself a good coffee or a tea, cause this is going to be a looooong post with losts of pictures.
Bon début de semaine,
J,ai mis la touche finaleà mon album La mélodie du Bonheur, si Poste Canada collabore, Elise l'aura dans ses mains très bientôt. Alors, servez vous un bon café, ou un bon thé, car c'est un long message, avec beaucoup de photos.For the last pannel, I chose the scene where Captain Von Trapp sings with his family, just before he is planning to escape. The song I have chosen was just perfect to close this mini album: Good bye, Farewell, auf Wiedersehen! My printer was defective and I was not able to print the lyrics on an acetate to complete my scene. Computer problems can be just frustrating sometimes.
J'ai choisi la scène où Capitaine Von Trapp chante avec sa famille, et prépare sa fuite à l'entracte. C'est la chanson Good Bye, Farewell que j'ai illustré pour ce dernier tableau. Je voulais à tout prix imprimer les mots de la chanson sur de l'acétate, mais mon imprimante ne collaborait pas du tout cette semaine... Nous avons réglé le problème, j'espère.
It is Edwin and Tilda (loving couple stamp from the Wedding Collection) that look tenderly at their youngest child, Gretl ( Farewell Tilda, from the the bon Voyage Collection) singing Goodbye, Farewell to the audience, who have no idea that the Von Trapps are planning to escape. Isn't Tilda adorable?
Ce sont Edwin et Tilda ( Loving couple de la collection Wedding) qui obsevent tendrement leur plus jeune enfant, Gretl, ( Farewell Tilda de la collection Bon Voyage) qui chante Goodbye, Farewell, à un public très attentif, qui n'a aucune idée du plan de fuite des Von Trapp. N'est-ce pas qu'elle est migonne cette Tilda?
I have used Magnolia "Bird Background" from the Sweet Rainbow Collection ( Thank you Rene) for the very last pannel, I thought it represented so well the freedom and life itself, Captain Von Trapp was seeking when he escaped his homeland. I colored this gorgeous image with crayons and solvent. The shading around the image was done with Distress inks, (Scattered Straw, Broken China, Faded Jeans and Walnut Stain.)
Pour le tableau qui sert de tirette à cet album, j'ai colorié "Bird Background" de la collection Sweet Rainbow, image que m'a fait parvenir Rene (Merci). Je trouvais qu'il représentait si bien, la vie, l'espoir, la liberté, dont rêvaient Maria et Capitain Von Trapp pour leurs enfants. Je l'ai colorié aux crayons et taltine; l'ombrage autour de l'image est fait avec les encres Distress, (Scrattered Straw, Broken China, Faded Jeans, et Walnut Stain.)
I have included pictures of all the pages of the mounted album.
Vous trouverz ci-dessous toutes les photos des pages de l'album monté.
All the pages before insterting them in the cover.
Les pages reliées avant le montage dans la couverture.

the front cover with Tilda signing Clinb every Mountain.
La couverture et Tilda qui chante Chanson des collines
Tilda is late, and we hear the chorus of the nuns singing Maria
Tilda court vers le couvent, elle est retard, on entend la chorale des soeurs chanter Maria
On this second page, we see Tilda leaving the convent and facing her destiny
Sur l'autre page, c'est Tilda qui quitte le couvent, fait face à son destin avec toutesles incertitudes

The first meeting of Tilda with Capitain Von Trapp, yes, I know I forgot the whistle!
La première rencontre de Tilda avec le capitaine Von Trapp, oui, j'ai oublé le sifflet!
Making those sad children play and teaching them to sing was Maria's challenge
Apprendre aux enfants à jouer et chanter fut le grand défi de Tilda
Eidelweiss, the meetin with the baroness, and Tilda faces her unexpected feelings
Eidelweiss, la rencontre avec la Baronne et Tilda fait face à ses sentiments tout à fait inattedus
the wedding, Tilda closing the gate of the convent behind her to get married to Captain Von Trapp
Le mariage, Tilda ferme la porte du couvent et s,engage avec le Capitaine Von Trapp.
The very last pannel, The Von Trapp family makes it's first and last appearance in public before escaping for freedom.
La première et dernière apparition publique de la famille Von Trapp avant de fuir.
VOILÀ! That is all for me now! Let me know if you enjoyed looking at all those scenes from a classic that we all love. I am happy to have been able to concluded this project, it started as a single card, but I soon realized I could not summarized this movie in only one card, where the idea of the mini waterfall album. Quite an experience it was! thank you for visiting me, and letting me know what my work inspires you, I just love reading about it.
Voilà! Je suis heureuse d'avoir pu compléter cet album, qui ne devait être qu'une carte. Mais résumé ce film en un seul tableau, est impossible. C'est pourquoi l'idée du "Waterfall" album était intéressante à explorer. Ce fut toute une expérience. Merci de me visiter, et d'être toujours aussi nombreuses à exprimer ce que mes cartes vous inspirent, j'aime tellement vous lire.
38 commentaires:
OMGosh Danielle! I am totally speechless! The amount of work that you put into this ... I am deeply touched beyond words! Thank you so very very much!!! I can't even put into words ... sigh. This entire album has me smiling from ear to ear .. what a beautiful story told by you through Maggies. Every single page is breathtaking, every scene is AMAZING ... this is a MASTERPIECE and a TREASURE!!! I love it!!!
Much Love,
Oh my word, Hon...what can I say??
This is absolutely MAGNIFICENT...A WORK OF ART AND HEART!!!!! Our sweet Elise will treasure this wonderful gift! The pages are all this fabulous album!!!! Beautiful, beautiful work!
Quelle finale! Cette page a cette touche de "glamour"....toute une réussite!
Vraiment un très beau (gros) projet!!
Tu as une imagination dé fertile!!
Merci de partager tout cela avec nous.
Dans moins d'un mois j'irai voir cette comédie musicale à Québec, et je dois te dire que tu as su susciter chez moi une envie plus grande et je vais certainement penser à tes réas en regardant ce spectacle!!
Encore une fois toutes mes félicitations pour ce très beau travail accompli!!
Danielle this is just amazing what a great imagination you have ! What a labor of love this is ! Great job on every little detail.
Oh Dani! I'm speechless! This is the most wonderful, beautifully planned out, gorgeously colored, supremely put together album EVER! Every detail, and all the heart that went into this creation are worthy of much praise! Each page is outstanding! I'm in awe of the perfection of your work...hugs...Barb
OH Danielle, what an absolutely fabulous project this is! WOW, all the time you spent on this, what an undertaking! Each and every page is GORGEOUS!!!!! Wow!
Oh dear, you take my breath away! This is so lovely and so touching. My late gramma's favorite story and you've captured the spirit and love so perfectly! What a fantastic work of art you've created. You bring a tear to my eye. TFS
Sue S.
This is a MASTERPIECE! Seriously, the beauty of these pages...the amount of love poured into each one...just AMAZING! And your scene finale c'est magnifique!!!!!
Rene :D
Danielle I am knocked over. This is the most amazing project. Your scenes are fantastic and I have no clue how you accomplished some of the things you did. The ending is perfect and perfectly beautiful! The very last scene is out of this world beautiful - surely the land of milk and honey. You are so creative and inventive. Why can I not live closer to you -- I want to take card making classes from you! I am just so wowed by this album.
OMG Danielle, this is just over the top!!! When you first showed us that very first scene you created, I thought that was fantastic. But this is …fantabulous—there’s no word for it, really; even that word doesn’t do it justice. You can tell that this is such a labour of love. I am more than impressed with your masterpiece—floored by it…LOL. Kudos to you!!!
Wow this is amazing!!!! Wondeful idea and such an excellent job on this project!!!! You are very talented Danielle!!!! Keep creating!!!!!
This is just crazy amazing! Talk about Magnolia starting to recreate stories!!!
OMG, this is gorgeous!! : )
Oh wow c'est magnifique! C'est un superbe projet, y'a beaucoup de temps et remplie d'idée! bravo ma chère.
Nadyne xx
I am AWE Struck!! This is incredible! Just breathtaking!
une tres belle mise en scene de ce beau film , tu l'as merveilleusement reussi c'est tres beau un regal a voir , bravo ,
les nouveaux tampons pas encore en france , sniff , gros bisous nath
OMG Dan!!! ! I have to make mine Elise´s words!! I´ve no words to sday what I thinkl about this absolute STUNNING job!!!
" I am totally speechless! I am deeply touched beyond words! Thank you so very very much!!! I can't even put into words ... sigh. This entire album has me smiling from ear to ear .. what a beautiful story told by you through Maggies. Every single page is breathtaking, every scene is AMAZING ... this is a MASTERPIECE and a TREASURE!!! I love it!!!"
Ditto!!!! :))))))))))))))))
Love and hugs
WOW! This is incredible!! What a beautiful piece of art you have created!!! It's breath-taking!!! WOW!!
An absolutely fabulous book. I love the Sound of Music and I love your creation.
What a masterpiece Danielle, every page has so many nice details and matches the story so perfectly. Truly an amazing job!!
Difficile de ne pas mettre de commentaires après toutes ces photos de ton merveilleux cadeau! On voit bien que tu as eu beaucoup de plaisir à le faire et tu vas avoir un petit brin de nostalgie de le voir partir...Tu as eu une idée originale et tu as su l'exploiter jusqu'au bout Je te lève mon chapeau c'est magnifique vraiment!!!un gros bravo!
WOW!! What an incredible work of art you have created! Everything is so perfectly detailed, your coloring is phenomenal - the whole thing is just GORGEOUS!!
There is only one word to describe your project. Amazing.
OMG Danielle where do I even start? SCRUMPTIOUS< SCRUMPTIOUS< and more SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!! Phenomenal masterpiece produced with pure love! You have definitely pured your heart and soul into this project and WOW what a result! SOooo many elaborate details! Love it all!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Oh my goodness me Danielle... this is absolutely fabulous, something to be treasured for ever and ever. Such a lot of work, but you can just see the love and effort you've put into this masterpiece. Well done and thanks for sharing this with us. You can be soooooooo proud of yourself. Hugs Sharon
Oh Danielle!!! This is a true Masterpiece!!! What a wonderful work of art!!!! I can't even imagine how she is going to feel when she receives this. WOW! I'm speechless! Amazing!!!!!
OMG mais c'est dont ben beau!!!! Tu as de belles idées c'est l'fun le livre et tu fais une magnifique utilisation des étampes magnolia.
Coup de coeur pour moi ce matin, vraiment j'adore!!!
OMG Danielle, I admit I expected to sit down and marvel for a while upon coming here, that's why it took me a while. I wanted to take my time because I just wanted to admire every single scene once again and have the story flow in my mind too. But I surely didn't expected this story to be expressed so magnificently through Maggies!!!! Just wow and wow! What a fabulous ending! I'm just speechless. This is my favorite Maggie couple and you made them look fantastic. What an excellent idea to print the song on this transparent paper!
Lots of work went into this masdterpiece mini-album but, which is more important, lots of love. This is something to be cherished and treasured. Bravo!
Hugs, Iulia
omg.. Danielle..
iam speachless.... what you have created is out of this world!!!
soooo beautiful and so creative.
i can not imagine how many hours of coloring and preparing you put into this.
all the deatails and even those tiny branches of the tree you cut out.
love and hugs
Oh my word!! I don't know what to say! That is so much detail and work!! It is absolutely breath-taking my dear!! Really gorgeous design and I'm in awe with glad I stopped by!! Thanks for sharing this!! BIG HUGS
Wow c'est vraiment magnifique. Tout ce suit, tout s'assemble et le tout représente bien ce que raconte cette histoire et tout ça tu l'as fait en quelques pages. Tu nous apprend que le scrapbooking peut aller dans toutes sortes de directions. Tu as vraiment beaucoup de talent. Félicitation c'est tout un chef d’œuvre.
Marie-Eve xxx
Iulia said it all. Magnificent. So much work has gone into this gorgeous creation. Totally adorable. Words escape me. Well done.
Hugs Maz
It's a gorgeous piece of artwork Danielle. Beautiful arrangement of this album and it sure shows the beautiful story of Sound of Music. Love it. Thanks for sharing :o)
OMG Danielle, your album is magnificent! Every page is artwork and you can just see all the love you put into this! I'm speechless. Really a storybook in itself and something to be treasured. All I can say is, this is incredibly gorgeous!
So Fabulous Danielle! What a creative work, so delightful and charming! I love the story too and the! This is amazing and wonderful! I would love to see it IRL! : )
thanks so much for sharing!
Danielle!!!! This is beyond spectacularly stunning!!! I love each and every component...and it's such fun to see the entire masterpiec put together.'re giving this away?? I will have to scroll back and see what I missed. It's truly a remarkable piece of art, my sweet friend!! Congrats on finishing it!! Next you should do "Gone with the wind"! hehehe!! I'll send you my address for that one! Hugs, Pat
Waouh !!! Que dire c'est absolument magnifique!! Quel boulot et autant de détails ....BRAVO !!!
Un gros bisou parisien .... A très bientôt
bonsoir, je suis française,
si ça se trouve tu ne verras jamais ce com, j'ai découvert ton blog par hasard et je ne sais même pas s'il est à jour ou pas ! Mais je tiens quand même à te le dire au cas où tu le lirais ... Ce que tu fais est fantastique. C'est incroyable la façon dont tu donnes vie à ces personnages Magnolia, tu leur rends un sublime hommage à chaque réalisation. Félicitations
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