
mercredi 7 juillet 2010

A message for you, my english speaking readers.

Good morning to you all,
As I just mentioned in french previously on this post, I feel a bit sorry for all of you who take time to read me via the automatic translator. I tried this tool, and was disappointed to find the poor quality of the text, eventhough I find it very helpful and whithout it, we would still be so limited. French is not an easy language to translate, it is so full of subtilities. I am from a generation that such a lack of care toward a text was not acceptable, and I still feel uneasiness in front of such a situation. It is an occasion for me to let go a bit on that straight forward discipline I was raised in and just enjoy what's happening in front of the screen! As much as I can, when I post in english blogs, I will write my own versions, I made that promise earlier. But I don't systematically put a translation of some messages, and I feel priviledged that you still read me. Your visits are a big PLUS in my day, I guess it is what brings motivation in all of this blogging business, and what makes it so much fun!
Have a beautiful day.

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