Good morning to everyone, ( the english text follows)
Lorsque j'ai quitté Tilda, assise sur la lettre O, je n'avais aucune idée où son imagination l'amènerait. Il est très important que nous soyons branchées sur la même longueur d'ondes, car c'est l'issue de notre prochaine aventure qui en dépend, à lire ma prochaine carte! Je suis restée très surprise de recevoir aujourd'hui un message de sa part à l'effet qu'elle ne voulait pas être dérangée! Oh! Pardon, je veux bien respecter les demandes de Mademoiselle, mais on avait une entente, et me voilà, donc toute seule pour compéter ce projet. J'ai donc décidé de jouer selon les règles imposées par Mademoiselle Tilda et de la laisser à ses rêveries. Mais puisqu'elle refuse de me fournir un indice quant à son lieu de retraite, bien je la ferai voyager d'une manière tout à fait fantastique! Après tout j'ai un défi à relever, avec ou sans son aide! Me restait à résoudre l'énigme suivante: comment faire revenir Tilda de son monde de rêve? Je me concentre pour trouver un moyen de transport convenable afin que Tilda puisse faire ses allers-retours sans perturber nos sessions de travail! Cette chère enfant est incapable de piloter un vaisseau spacial, et d'ailleurs ce n'est pas très original... J'ai songé à une bouteille, style "I dream of Jeannie",mais un peu compliquer. Puis je me suis dit, si Cendrillon est allée au bal dans une citrouille transformée, peut-être que ça plairait à Tilda aussi, en tout cas, l'idée de construire une citrouille magique m'enchantait... Car je me suis ennuyée de la collaboration de Tilda, et elle aussi, comme vous pouvez le constater par son message!!!Vous pouvez maintenant admirer Tilda dans sa citrouille-mobile .J'espère que l'histoire vous a plu.
As I left Tilda sitting on letter O, dreaming, I had no idea where her imagination would take her. You see, our communication is very important, because it determines the nature of our next adventure together! meaning, my next card. I had no idea where she was leading me when she sent me this message: Still travelling in my dreams, please do not disturb. Wow... I respect Mademoiselles' wishes, however, this leaves me by myself with only my own imagination to complete my project and I cherish her participation. Hem... I decided to play along Miss Tilda's rule, I would leave her with her dreaming. But I would provide her with suitable transportation to come back and forth to complete our projects! Since she won't give me a clue as to her surroundings, I definitely had to think of a magic way to complete her voyage which would bring her back from her dreamworld... After all, I have a challenge to participate and I definitely want her ideas. A spaceship is not her style, too rational, she needs something more appropriate, more girlie, more fairy tale! First, I though of a genie's bottle, the "I dream of Jeannie" style; too complicated. Then, I thought of a hot air balloon, too ordinary. Eureka! "O" is followed by "P", ad P is for Pumpkin! if Cinderella went to the ball in a transformed pumpkin, why wouldn't Tilda dream to travel in her own magic pumpkin... I only had to put all the pieces together. OH! By the way, I missed working without Tilda's ideas, and I think she missed me too... (the greeting on the card says: What would I without you?) She certainly meant to say, Hey! Dan. your OK. You can now admire Tilda's own dreamship, or dreamshop??? Hope you enjoy!

Défis / Challenges:
Stamptacular SundayChallenge : Out of this world
Totaly Tilda Challenge: Shape card
J'ai utilisé: I used:
Étampes/stamps: Longing Tilda, No. 3039, présentement en commande chez, which is currently on reorder at Magnolia-licious and Castle window No 605, disponible, available here
Sentiment/Greetings: inconnu, unknown
Coloriée avec Copics, colored with copics:
Fenêtre, window: C-0,1,2,4, black
Visage/skin: E-20,21,11,33,51,50 et R20
Cheveux/hair: E33,29,35,57
Vêtements/clothes: E41, G-02,21,000
Encre/Ink: Distress, Forest Moss, Walnut stain, Brushed corduroy
Système de coupe de Creative memories cutting system
Spellbinders, ronds scallopés, Scalloped circles
Feuilles et boules brillantes/Leaves and glittering balls: Martha Stewart
Poinçon/punch: Pumpkin, citrouille, martha stewart
Papier/Carton - Paper/Cardstock: Creative memories
Ruban en broche, wired ribbon: my own stash, ma réserve
Sketch: inspiration d'une petite carte en forme de citrouille réalisée dans un atelier de Brigitte
inspired by a little pumpkin card made with Brigitte in a course.
24 commentaires:
This is too cute. What imagination you and Miss Tilda have. TFS
What a lovely store & the card is simply beautiful! Cheers, Lora Sinkler-Lake
Adorable Danielle, I love your stories about Tilda. The card is super cute too, it made me smile!
Je ne trouve pas de mots pour te dire comment je trouve cette carte....tout est parfait, je dirais même.... plus que parfait!!
Et cette histoire...quel bonheur!
Un livre d'histoires pour enfant avec de beaux dessins....tu ferais fureur!! Pourquoi pas??
Stunning creation Danielle, love your colour combo, colouration and wonderful adventures with Tilda.
Thank you for joining us at Totally Tilda.
Nicola -x-
Danielle!!! I love to read your stories with Tilda. Are you an writer?? If no you must give it a try!!!:))) Everyone will love to read!!
Well I come to visit you to see your card and I´m talking about your story!!! :)))
Your card is perfect, for the history and necause it´s so adorable!!!
Have a wonderful week!
En effet, tu aimes beaucoup Tilda et elle te réussit bien...
What a great way of using this Tilda stamp! Love it! Thanks for joining us at SSC and we hope you will join the fun again next week! Hugs Gemma
Well, Danielle, how creative is that!!!!!!!!!!
What a delightfully cute card!!!
I totally agree with reading your Maggie stories.
Keep up the good work!
Super sweet. Love the shading on the pumpkin. Peter, Peter Pumpkin eater has a wife and couldn't keep her. Put her in a pumpkin shell and kept her very well. lol
Love Love Love this!! It is awesome! Beautiful card!
I do love reading your thoughts/dreams/wishes and Tilda's too. Your pumpkin carriage brought a smile to my face, it is delightful and a very appropriate form of transportation, lots of room to laze around. Simply delightful!!
Hugs, Diana
Danielle, this is stunning!!!!!!!!!! I love the pumpkin card. I am so copying you and giving you credit. I just love this idea. You have designed and colored a gorgeous creation and appreciate you sharing it with us at SSC for Out of this world challenge.
Hugs xx
Absolutely amazing imagination. Love it. Your card is tooo cute and so glad that pick the pumpkin for Miss Tilda. TFS
oh cool is this Danielle! Beautifully colored Tilda and love your pumpkin/fairy tale creation!
Pam Going Postal
Danielle your pumpkin card is just ADORABLE!! Love how you have Tilda on it. Your stories make me smile. Keep of the great job!!
j adooooooore cette carte !!! Très chouette !! Bisous véro
wow elle est tellement belle et quelle originalité, j'adore ta carte bravo!!
Nadyne xx
Oh Danielle! This is so beautifully clever! I love the creative use of circles - just perfect for Tilda! I really have to make one of these cards...Gorgeous! Thanks for joining our "Out of this world" challenge this week at SSC.
This is priceless! The way you incorporated the pumpkin into the shape and have her riding in it. Genius!
WHoops! Forgot to thank you for entering the Totally Tilda challenges!
Hi love this awesome creation great creativity..hope Tilda dosent think shes Cinderella with this pumpkin??? thanks for sharing & joining us at Totally Tilda chall.
Hugs Christine xx
Really really beautiful card! I really do love this one!
Thanks so much for joining us this week at Stamptacular Sunday! ♥ Good luck on our Out of this World challenge!
Dee (Spryte)
Sprytebyrds Spot
OMG This is totally stunning amazing I love it how cute is that pumpkin and Tilda looks fantastic too
Thanks for playing our challenge at TT
Hugs Susie & The Totally Tilda Team xx
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