Good afternoon to all, ( scroll down for english version)
Quelle journée! Je voulais à tout prix terminer cette carte pour le défi de Just Magnolia Challenge Blog, j'adore le sketch de Bev, et j'avais une idée bien précise de cette carte. En quelques mots: tout est allé de travers, je vous épargne les détails, sauf un seul: il y a des mises-à-jour qui se sont installées à l'ouverture de mon ordinateur hier, et qui ont fait planté le tout! Une chance que mon Pierre sait quoi faire dans ces cas, sauf qu'il lui a fallu la journée pour trouver le bobo, et l'utilisation des 2 ordinateurs. Il ne me restait que quelques minutes pour placer ma carte sur le site, et je suis arrivée trop tard.
En ce qui concerne Tilda, bien comme vous le voyez sur la carte, elle est bien assise dans les étoiles. Je la comprends très bien de vouloir rester là, lorsque je stresse pour rencontrer un délai et que tout va de travers, je fonctionne sur un pilote automatique, et ma patience a ses limites. Ce qui nuit grandement à notre "communication": j'avais beau avoir une idée de ma carte, j'ai gâché mes coupes et j'ai dû tout recommencer, puis j'ai mis de l'encre sur mon ruban blanc... Et enfin, lorsque j'ai pris des photos, aucune n'étaient satisfaisantes, les brillants et le flash, c'est pas extra. Malgré la lumière, il déclenche quand même. Et pour finir le tout, j'ai perdu le logiciel qui lit mes photos et photoshop! C'est à suivre.
Je voudrais, en quelques mots, exprimer ma gratitude à vous toutes qui me lisiez, et qui prenez le temps de commenter. J'ai, effectivement, une relation tout à fait spéciale avec Tilda, qui a fait épanouir ma créativité. Cependant, toute seule à ma table, sans personne pour partager mes créations, je serais bien triste et je ne pourrais apprendre de vous, que je rencontre et visite aussi.
Voilà sans plus tarder, ma petite carte, dont je suis très fière, dans les circonstances, elle est réussie.
What a day it has been! I wanted to finish this card for Just Magnolia Challenge blog, which closes in an hour ( I thought so)... because when I finished posting, it was too late! I love Bev's sketch and had a definite idea of what I wanted to do with it. The whole proceeding went wrong from A to Z. Yesterday, when I opened my computer, an automatic up-grade installed itself, the computer wouldn't restart! In these moments, Pierre answers my emergencies, he spent the whole day trying to figure out what went wrong. This morning, I had a chance to sit down and make my card, but every thing went wrong. I took wrong measures and had to start all over, put ink on my white ribbon etc. Then, after I could not take a proper photography, I realized that Photoshop did not answer to my call, neither was I able to access to my camera!
My stress had reasons of Tilda! She definetly wanted to stay away! She sat on her star and sending good vibes at me, my radars did not catch any of it, and I messed up! Anyways, I still have time for Magnolia Down under, under the circumstances, I am very happy with the results.
I would like to add how grateful I am to all of you who take time to read my stories and share comments. I do spend exquisite moments with Tilda, who brought my creativity to bloom unexpectedly, but alone at my craft table with no one to share these creations, I would be pretty sad, and would not learn from all of you that I get to know and visit...

Malheureusement, quand j'ai pu atteindre le site de Just Magnolia, le lien était déjà fermé... ce sera pour une autre fois.
Unfortunately, the link closed just a few minutes ago: it is now 15:20 in Montreal, but 20:20 in UK. I shall put my-self a little clock adjusted to UK time.!!!
Défis /Challenges
Magnolia Down Under Challenge 57, Birthdays
Just Magnolia Week 66, Bev Sektch. (above) (inscription ratée - missed the link)
J'ai utilisé/I used:
Étampe/Stamp: Fairy Dust Tilda, currently on reorder at Diana, présentement en commande.
Stampin Up, Motif Baroque
Sentiment/Greeting: Harmonie
Encre/INk: Stampin Up Night of Navy
Carton/Cardstock: AC CArdstock, glimmer bleu
Ruban/Ribbon: Offray
Étoile/stars: système de coupe, Creative Memories, cutting system
Copics: Visage/Skin: E-00-33-50-51
Vêtements/Clothes: B-00-14-41-29
Cheveux/Hair: C-05-, Noir
26 commentaires:
Oh, the flourishes, the glitter, the beautiful colors. I just love her. TFS
Sue S.
Your card is magnificent! Tilda is beautifully coloured and I love the bling of the large star behind her :o) Your ribbon is wonderful and so is the way you have used your paper to do the layout.
I am sad you missed one deadline - you had a terrible day :o( Hope you do well on the Magnolia Down Under Challenge - good luck!
Hugs, Candy
Ta carte est vraiment très belle ,ton étoile est superbe.Bravo
Wow! J'adore cette carte! La brillance va très bien avec le sujet de l'étampe. On ne voit rien de tout ce que tu as mentionné! TRès beau travail! Désolée pour cette journée, il y en a comme cela parfois!!!
Danielle, I love your card! I can certainly relate...nothing has been going right for me either. My days off have not been productive.
I started two Christmas cards and didn't get either of them finished. Maybe tomorrow.......
Love your star with the blue glitter and your beautifully colored Tilda!
Beautiful! I love the star and all it's glitter. The same thing happened to me my first time I wanted to post to Just Magnolia too. I always forget blogging is World wide! LOL!!
It is really to bad you couldn't enter your Tilda she is awesome! Love the blue on her and on the star. I feel your pain with computers. I up-graded my iPhoto to only have it disappear and of course I loose anything I've done to pictures. Had to make a quick trip to the Apple store and spent today up-grading for 7 hours to find it didn't fix the problem!!!! Another 2 hour trip to the Apple store this weekend. Grrrrrr
Such a pretty card Danielle, The blue star is beautiful and Tilda looks gorgeous. Have you thought about adding some clocks to your blog with the time zones of the challenges you enter the most? Maybe that would help.
On dirait une nuit étoilée derrière Tilda!
Les couleurs sont magnifiques.
Carton, embellissement, tout est dans un ton scintillant!
Toutes mes félicitations et dommage pour le retard!
She is a sweetie!!
Maggie hugs, Diana
Elle tres tres jollie, Danielle!
Oh no! The things we go through to enter challenges! For the love of craft hey? Your efforts paid off though and you card is beautiful!
Thanks for playing at MDUC this week,
Danielle, I am so glad you didn't give up, if you had, we would not have had the opportunity to view your creation. Tilda has amazing powers over us Magnolia lovers. Your card is beautiful, Tilda is coloured so wonderfully and I love the sparkly star and your gorgeous ribbon, a great take on the sketch and our birthday challenge, thanks so much for joining us at Magnolia Down Under this week. Big hugs Jodie from Oz
Wow beautiful star behind the sweet Tilda and lovely card Danielle. Love those sparkly glitter on that :o)
Quelle belle carte avec cette magnifique étoile! Superbe, Danielle!
Cute card! I love the sketch that you have used. Love that star and the ribbon. Thanks for playing along with us at MDUC! xoxo Peta
Awesome card Danielle!!!!!!!! So amazing that Miss Tilda takes over our lives and it all works out fine in the end.
Love the bling and the coloring is great.
Great card. Love all the sparkles and the blue and white theme.
Very pretty! Love the swirls and glitz! Terrific job Danielle!
With all the problems you had, you did a Fantastic, marvelous job on your card! Tilda is beautiful. Your coloring is just great! I think I would have given up on that card - glad you didn't. I really enjoyed reading your story and seeing your card!
Kathy Gerace
Very pretty and very unique! Wonderful!
Danielle, it so pretty, love the DP and the ribbon, the glittery star (I love everything glittery lol). Your coloring on Tilda is perfect, I had a hard time with Photoshop too, still struggling to make a good photo for my blog. Keep on trying!!
Maggie hugs, Irene
ta carte est super jolie, avec tout ces beaux brillants...j'adore lire tes histoires entre toi et tilda ;)
Nadyne xx
Gorgeous card, I love the glitter and the layout.
Hugs, Christine
Hi Danielle...OMG...I did the exact same thing with the Magnolia Down under challenge. I was too late! But, tomorrow starts another challenge, I think. Your card is just darling!! I love the colors your used...and the bling!
Pat Frank
Une deuxième beauté. Toujours en admiration.
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