I hope all is well with you... I have not been creating very much lately, cause of organization problems. I said before I had squatted half of my living room to have a space to craft. I have some sewing projects to do, and my sewing machine was in the family room in the basement, in a tiny corner. I can't work with no daylight... So, since all rooms are still occupied by my sons, I took a big decision: exit the living room! I now have squatted the whole living room for myself! The biggest danger in all this, is WHEN there will be a free room,I love it so much here, I won't move!!!!! I present you with great pleasure, my new craftroom! I still need to paint, but, time will come! I deliberately left in front of the sewing machine this extraordinary cutting table on wheels, but it will be placed in another room when not in use... or will find it's place, when the couch will be relocated in a future den!
thanks for visiting my blog, and have a wonderful day. See your Friday, for Inventory Challenge.
Bon matin,
J'espère que le printemps se pointe tranquillement le bout du nez par chez-vous! à Montréal ce matin, il fait un soleil fabuleux, mais il fait froid. Je n'ai pas été très créative dernierement, mais plutôt organisationnelle! J'ai déjà mentionné que faute de pièce disponible, j'avais empiété sur mon salon pour me réserver un espace où m'installer pour créer. Eh! bien depuis la fin de semaine, j'ai squatté tout mon salon! J'ai négligé la couture, activité que j'adore, parce que ma machine était installée dans un petit coin de la salle familiale au sous-sol, sans vue sur l'extérieur, donc privé d'éclairage naturel. J'étais incapable de descendre dans ce coin, alors que ma maison toute entière est très lumineuse. Voilà, je vous présente donc mon nouvel atelier.J'ai laissé devant la machine à coudre, ma dernière acquisition: une super tablede coupe, qui se plie et ne prend que très peu de place. Elle est sur roulette et sera rangée dans une autre pièce, jusqu'à ce que le sofa prenne sa place dans une future salle familiale... Il reste une bonne couche de peinture à donner sur les murs, mais le reste est très fonctionnel, et surper agréable.
Merci d'être venue me visiter, je vous dis à vendredi pour une petite carte.
Passez une belle journée.

10 commentaires:
TEHEE!!!!!!! That's the way to go my friend lol!!
Eliminate the living room ,hmmmm I should do the same.I'm getting there lol!
Your crafting area looks comfy and spacious.HAVE GREAT CRAFTING DAYS!!!((HUGS))Ruby♥
Hello Danielle,
Wow I feel like I've got to visit you seeing these pics of your craft room. You should post a picture of you in your room at your work station. How cool would that be??? I think all of us should post a pic like that when we are at our finest. I thought maybe the jury duty had you bound. Glad to hear that you are busy at home! Don't work to hard and I hope you have a post on Friday! I'll be watching for you.
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Lovely big space you have now...I would stay put too...as the saying goes...'if you dont like it...leave'
Good for you.
What a lovely bright craft room. Congratulations. Jaqui x
This is wonderful, Dan!!!! I love how you are situated in front of the window with all the natural light!
How nice that you are making use of a room rarely used these days! I know mine is a waste of space. No one ever spends time in the living room....we are all in the family room. It looks like you have lots of room now....NOT FOR LONG!!!!!!!!!!!! I speak from experience!!!
Hi Danielle,
Great job on the craftroom, love that your desk is facing the window.
Louise :)
Go you! Looks like a great and inspiring room! Is that a Ladybug Pillow Pet I see? If so, I have one too! Ha!
Rene :D
Ooooh! Look at how wonderful this room is!! I don't think I would want to move from this newfound space either! I love the natural lighting there and the SPACE is wonderful!!!!!! and then you have a huge TV there too and did I already mention the SPACE?!!! hahaha! Yep, I'd stay planted right there! lol! thank you so much for sharing these pictures Danielle!
OMG Danielle - you have been so busy and it looks fantastic. I love the way you have your work space is tilted like that. I wold never want to leave this room. See you in the morning!
XO Sandy
wow, tu es ben chanceuse, tu es très bien organisé...tu vas devoir me donner des cours pour être à l'ordre comme toi!!!!
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