Happy Tuesday,
Well, I was absent for a while from this Challenge, not because I do not like it, but on account of my other life getting in the way of my crafting. Doesn't it happen to all of us at one point? My last page featuring the word Yesterday, was selected for the wall of fame! thank you Ladies for this honor much appreciated!
Bon mardi,
J'ai été absente de ce défi pendant plusieurs semaines, non pas que je n'aime pas ce qu,il propose, bien au contraire, mais parce qu'il y avait conflit entre ma vie et mon temps dans mon atelier! Ca arrive à tout le monde, n'est-ce pas? Ma dernière page sur la lettre Y, mettant en vedette la chanson Yesterday des Beatles m'a valu une sélection sur le Wall of Fame. Merci à toutes pour cet honneur très apprécié.
For those who know me, it is not a surprise that the letter "T" symbolizes Tea. I love tea, I have a passion for tea, and I will share with you that my coup de coeur of this summer is wulong, oh! a special blend from la maison Camellia Sinensis, called Dong Ding Mr. Chan, from Taiwan. Tasty, sweet and oh! so good! Enough bla bla.. on to my page. I had a dilemma, cause I also have this thing about the word TIME. Can't stop signing Time... is on my side! I was very happy to find my two favorite words reunited and this is what it inspired me! Four o'clock tea.
Vous qui me connaissez bien, savez mon amour et ma passion pour le thé, alors pas de surprise que la lettre T, m'inspire le mot Thé. J'adore le thé, je suis une passionnée de thé; mon coup de coeur de l'été, c'est un wulong de la Taiwan de la maison Camellia Sinensis, appellé Dong Ding Mr. Chan. J'ai aussi un amour inconditionnel pour le mot TEMPS. Je chante toujours la chanson Time is on my side... J,étais ravie de voir dans mon dictionnaire le mot TEATIME ! Ah! cette fois le choix n'a pas été difficile! Voici ma page sur L'heure du thé...
I experienced a wonderful texture technique done by CeeCee, played with paint, ink and Inkagold; wanted to give my tea pot and tea cup a porcelain look, that was not so successful, my test came out pretty nice, but on account of the poor quality of the dictionary page, and the larger surface to cover vs the test,it did not work out as expected. but I still like it! next time I will try something else!
Je me suis beaucoup amusée avec une belle technique enseignée par CeeCee, qui m'inspire à tout coup, et me fait rire, surtout la journée de sa tasse Mickey! J'ai joué avec de la peinture, de l'encre, du Inkagold; j'ai voulu donner à ma tasse et théière un aspect porcelaine, mais j'ai raté mon coup... J,avais fait un test, et ca sortait très bien; sauf que la surface à couvrir étant plus grande, le papier de dictionnaire de mauvaise qualité, le résultat n'est pas aussi joli que je le prévoyais, mais j'aime bien. La prochaine fois, je vais essayer autre chose.
Well, this is it for me today, I am working on a Birthday card featuring Tilda, and I am looking forward to share it with you. have a lovely week!
C'est tout pour aujourd'hui... je travaille sur une carte de fête avec Tilda. J'ai hâte de vous la montrer. Bonne semaine!

21 commentaires:
Je la trouve bien jolie ta page et j'adore la matrice de découpage de l'horloge. Tout est parfait.
Félicitations pour tout...
Je t'embrasse,
Patricia xx
I knew what you would do before I even put my eyes to this post. Tea is your favorite and your page turned out fantastic. Love the textures and colors. Your teapot and cup are beautiful. Once again you created an outstanding creation. I love it all! Wish I could share a cup with you!!
Hugs, Cathy
Exquisite! Love the textures and gorgeous soft colors you have on the pages. Your steam is so pretty and elegant. BEautiful pot and cup, very well done!!
Hugs Kelly
Oh que ta carte est belle. La decoupe de Tim holtz me donne le gout d'aller magasiner...Elle donne un style parfait a ta carte. et trop super pour ta parution. Felicitations
Bon coloriage avec Tilda.
Another outstanding page! Love the cup and teapot and the clock, as well as the lettering! All fantastic!!!!!
Love the texture with the tissue paper and the items you chose to illustrate your page. Belle page!
Cool pages and a lovely way to share your story. Love all the textures you used and I think part of this challenge is to experiment and see the amazing results we all come up with. I'll be round to yours at 4pm for some of that delicious tea you mentioned.Lol.
Hey Sugar. If I were able to participate right now I would do something with tea too. I love hot tea and pretty tea cups and tea pots. This is really well done but you know Danielle - everything you do is wonderful. I really love your pages.
Hi Danielle! My tea of choice is white tea--at least for the moment...LOL. Your Teatime page is gorgeous. Wonderful colours you've chosen. Great textures. Love it that you're experimenting different techniques.
Sorry I've absent from stalking your blog...tee hee.
I love your teatime pages and enjoyed reading your post. I think we've all had problems with the quality of the dictionary paper using one technique or another, your page still looks beautiful. MMx
It doesn't matter if it's not the way you expected. It turned out beautiful nonetheless!
It's so much fun to try out new techniques!
HI Dear Danielle!
OoOOh gosh! A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you for being featured on the wall of fame! VEry very well deserved!!!!!! Wooohoooo!
Now this new "Teatime" of yours .. oh my goodness! I really really really love all the different textures!!!!!!!!! And that is such a GORGEOUS teapot/teacup!!! Really love how you did the clock to show "teatime" too .. this is just AMAZING! I loooooove it so much!!!
Can't wait to see more! And hope the things in life settles down so that you have more craft time to experience! :)
Much Love,
Four o'clock!!! bien sûr madame je prendrais bien le thé avec vous!! ;-)
Superbe Danielle! ta page a du caractère et ça nous donne envie de prendre le thé....au fait as-tu essayé les thés "David"...si non lorsque tu viendras à Québec je vais te les faire essayer!!! (pour ceux ou celles qui ont de la difficulté à dormir...il y a "A la rescousse de maman" un thé qui agit vraiment bien!!)
Bon week-end!
Wonderful page Danielle, I love all the texture too.
Cazzy x
C'est vraiment superbe !!!
Great page Danielle, I love my tea too ...in fact I think it's time for tea, see you later, just doing a bit of blog hopping :)
Have a great week, Teresa x
Fabulous page, teapot and textures.
Sylv xx
Superbe page Danielle!!
Merci de ta participation
Superb Danielle, I absolutely love your tea theme and how you tried out those techniques, it's all part of the fun and your results look fantastic! Congrats on your wall of fame too....very well deserved, have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Chris xxx
Elle superbe ta page, j'aime beaucoup les couleurs et ta théière ainsi que sa tasse sont magnifique.
Ah que je rêverais prendre un thé avec toi. Bisou
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