Happy Wednesday,
It is raining in Montreal today... a perfect weather for crafting! I am continuing my exploration of the functions I learned in photoshop: draw-erase and re-size! OH! boy! did I ever have fun shrinking! I felt like the nutty scientist Wayne Szalinsky in HONEY! I shrunk the kids... My first application had to do with finding a lovely mountain landscape to serve as background for the Von Trapp family learning to sing with Maria. I am telling you, the web is rich with coloring images. I selected two lovely drawings, unfortunately, I have no idea what coloring site I took them from. I resized them to fit the pages of my mini-album. I even managed to have them look as one... I printed them on SU murmure blanc cardstock, and colored with the coloring pencils I won't name and Taltine, Yippe... I am now four pencils closer to Faber Castel!
Bonjour à vous,
Il pleut sur Montréal aujourd'hui, journée parfaite pour travailler sur mes projets. Je continue mon exploration des seules fonctions de Photoshop que je connaisse! soit, dessiner-effacer et changer le format d'une image! Et cette fois, je m'en suis donnée à coeur joie! Vous vous souvenez de Chéri, j'ai rapetissé les enfants? bien, j'ai trouvé sa potion magique! Il me fallait trouver un paysage convenable où Maria pourrait enseigner les rudiments de la musique aux enfants VonTrapp. Google Image est une fonction à connaître ... j'y ai trouvé des images de coloriages fantastiques. J'en ai choisi deux, que j'ai pu retravailler et adapter au format de mon mini album. J'ai même pu les modifier pour faire croire qu'elles ne formaient qu'une seule image. Cependant, je n'ai pas idée du site sur lequel je les ai trouvées...Je les ai ensuite imprimées sur le carton murmureblanc de SU, et coloriées avec les crayons dont je ne dirai pas le nom. Youppi, je suis maintenant à 4 crayons plus près de mon ensemble Faber Castel!
Then, the fun began. I needed 7 children to accompany Tilda-Maria and sign DO-RE-MI... and they had to be in different sizes, from tiny Gretl to teenage Lisl. All images are printed on cryogen white paper, and colored th Copics (youppi! I did not sneeze). To illustrate the song, I used acetate, and a lovely musical staff also found in coloring images on the web.As I did not have the proper acetate to print it, I just reproduced it with a permanent liner, colored with alcohol inks. The letters are old lettraset I kept from my secretarial years! Enough blab bla... there it is! Doest it make yoy feel like signing with Maria?
Thank you for your visit. Your comments sure make me really happy, I appreciate them always.
Ensuite, ce fut le TEST! Il me fallait 7 enfants pour accompagner Tilda-Maria en chanson. Et, il fallait les organiser en rang de grandeur, s'il-vous-plaît, de la mignonne Gretl à l'adolescente Lisl. Toutes les images sont imprimées sur cryogen blanc, et coloriées aux copics. Pour illustrer la chanson, je me suis servi d'un acétate sur lequel j'ai calqué une portée musicale, aussi trouvée dans les images du web, coloriée avec les encres à l'acool. Les lettres sont des lettraset, souvenir de mes années de secrétariat. Voilà, je vous présente ce nouveau feuillet du mini-album La Mélodie du Bonheur. Est-ce que cela vous donne envie de chanter avec Maria???
Merci de votre visite, vos gentils mots sont du soleil dans ma journée.
Magnolia - bon voyage 2010 ( Edwin w/binocular)
Magnolia - A little yummy 2009 ( Blueberry tilda)
Magnolia - Raising the ceiling 2009 - ( Sweet Tilda & Happy Tilda)
Magnolia - Butterfly dreams 2011 - (tilda w/hanging rabbit)
Magnolia - You are so special (2011) - Dancing party tilda & Shy Edwin with flower
Magnolia - chasing butterflies 2009 - (tilda picking lilacs)

20 commentaires:
OMG...pardon me while I pick my jaw off the ground!!!! Dan...this is absolutely exquisite! What a wondrous work of art...love, love the background and all the fabulous images colored to perfection. This is AMAZING, my friend! Kudos to you!
OH!! Danielle...this is just gorgeous..what a lot of work.. but so worth while...gorgeous hun!!
I see you've been very busy. Wow this is SUPERB!!! Your mountain scene is wonderful and all your little children are colored so wonderfully. I'm amazed that you used photo shop for that background. You are learning sooooo much. Oh how I wished I lived closer to you!! Oh Well I can only dream. Hey that sounds like a song????? Brovo Danielle!!!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Oh que c'est beau, vraiment j'adore le résultat, c,est du bonbon pour les yeux!!!
Non mais comment fais-tu pour avoir toutes ces idées géniales.... Vraiment ton talent déborde de partout pas juste en scrapbooking... Cette page de ton mini-album est Géniale tout y est dans les moindre détail. Bravo
OH-MY-GOSH!!!!!!! Wow wow wow! Okay, this is like .. WHOA!!! Danielle!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING work my friend!!! Look at this scene! I don't know what to say I'm so blown away! Stunning, incredible, gorgeous, beautiful .. words cannot describe what I see! I loooove it!
It´s amazing Dan!!! Your ideas are always great!!! I looooooooo ove how you colored with the pencils!!!
Another amazing and so creative job!!
Love and hugs
Do le do il a bon Do...!!
Tout à fait remarquable!
C'est épatant tout ce que l'on peut trouver sur internet....mais il faut quand même être débrouillarde et avoir du talent....ce que tu as!
Toute mes félicitations pour ce beau livre de contes....
This is adorable, Danielle. Love all the color and movement of the background. You did a wonderful job!
Cathy Lee
Beautiful creation Danielle, love your background it's perfect for your scene, great coloring
Louise :)
Danielle, your scene is adorable =) Beautiful coloring and I love the glittered music notes!
Wow!! il y a bcp de travail la dedans, comme toujours! c'est magnifique!! bravo
Nadyne xx
soooo sweet dear Danielle, i can not get over this gorgeous creation.
how much patience you have to work on one card that long!!!!!
absolutely out of this world
thank you so much for leaving me coments, althogh i have been not much arround the last weeks
big hudge hug
encore une belle aventure pour maria une tres belle mise a scene , bravo , bisous nath
Oh my gracious Danielle - you are the true genius !!! I don't know who in the world you accomplished this - amazing. I love that colored background and just can't imagine how you figured out how to do this!! Did I tell you that my computer hates me!!!!!!!!
Danielle you are so very creative.
XO Sandy
Wowzer, Danielle, you clever clever girl. You’ve floored me. This is FANTABULOUS. Although what you explained is clear as mud to me..LOL—I’m NOT computer savvy—it shows my personal motto is just so true: “There’s always more to learn.” I won’t be trying it anytime soon, but maybe someday—I think I need personal lessons from you. I’ll fly to Montreal…LOL, just kidding.
Back to your masterpiece, I luvvv… the Sound of Music. Took the tour when I was in Salzburg many moons ago. You’ve picked the right mountain scenic background for your project. And you’ve coloured it and those darling Maggies faultlessly. Kudos to you. I adore this.
I’m of the same mind with what Sandy said. My computer hates me too. Whatever I’m doing on my computer usually takes me 3 times (at least) as long as other people. What a wimp!!!
Wow!!! You are indeed a creative genius, Danielle!! I love how you created this masterpiece. Your coloring is beautiful and I truly love how you did the music!!! Absolutely amazing!!!
hugs, Sharon
WOW! What an amaying piece of art! Zou surelz put a lot of work into this and let me tell you, it reallz shows this because it looks amazing. Zour coloring of the landscape simplz blows me away and those cute mini Maggies are simply one of the mose adorable thing Ißve ever seen.
I love the Sound of Music and your picturesque depiction simply brings back to me such nostalgic times.
Great work my dear!Have a great relaxing Sunday sweetie!
Hugs, Iulia
WAOUH !!! vraiment top !!
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