Bon Lundi à vous toutes,
Je commence par une très belle nouvelle, j'ai accepté d'être DT à la boutique Scrapbook ta vie. J'ai accueillie cette proposition avec joie, je suis ravie de me joindre à une équipe dynamique et de partager mes créations. Je me suis lancée tête première dans les défis du mois d'août. Je vous présente aujourd'hui ma carte pour le défi couleurs de notre DT Zamaline. Je me suis lâchée bien lousse, puisque je c'est tout à fait hors de ma zone de confort!!! Quel plaisir j'ai eu à colorier, aux Copics et Prismacolor, encore une fois cette image adorable de Sarah Kay, Rosalie's bicycle; pour créer la scène, j'ai utilisé l'étampe Magnolia, Floral Background de la collection Hoppy Easter2010, que j'ai "étirée" au moyen de la technique du masque. Je me suis amusée à faire mes fleurs et mon épingle à chapeau. J'aurai dans les prochains jours, une autre carte qui est déjà sur le blogue de Scrapbook ta vie, mais dont l'intérieur n'est pas complété.. Â bientôt, et je vous invite à participer en grand nombre à ce défi des plus relevé, suivez le lien ICI...
Happy Monday, dear blogger friends,
I begin by annoucing a news that makes me very happy: I have joined as DT, the team of Scrapbook ta vie. I had the privilege of meeting Valérie, the store owner, and was eager to join the team, and share my creations. I worked hard this last week to meet the August 1st deadline for both challenges. Today, I present you my card for DT Zamaline's Color Challenge. I had much fun in coloring Rosalie's bicycle once again, this time, with copics and Prismacolor. To create the background, I used Magnolia Floral Background from the Hoppy Easter 2010, that I "stretched" a bit on both sides of Rosalie, with the "mask" technique. I made my flowers, and my stickpin. Within the next few days I will have another card to present you, this time with Hélène's sketch, it is already on the Scrabook ta vie blog's, however, the inside is still not complete. Please follow this link HERE to participate to the nice challenge.
Un gros plan des fleurs.
A close up of the flowers
L'intérieur comprend une pochette pour glisser des voeux personnels, ou un chèque.
The left inside panel includes a nice little pocket to slip a cheque or personal wishes.
Un espace d'écriture enjolivé de petites fleurs en pierre, et une étampe de mini fleurs.
A writing space nicely decorated with little stone flowers, and cute flower stamp.

All sorts of challenge 114, Free & easy
Anything Goes challenge NO. 46, Flowers
Really Reasonable Ribbon Ramblings No. 29, Sizzlin'Summer
Stampalot challenge - August - Whatever you fancy
Technique: Copic et Prismacolor; étampage: masque
Papier et cartons/ paper & cardstock: Stampin up; papier orange: origine inconnue
Ruban: Stampin up
Stickpin: mon inventaire
Découpe: Magnolia lace, cricut Elegant Edges
fleurs: faites mains découpe Tim Holtz
Feuilles: Prima
Dentelle intérieur: Magnolia lace
Cercle/circle: cricut Elegant Edges
28 commentaires:
Oh my WORD!!!! Danielle! wow wow wow! Absolutely STUNNING! I love the scenery and your colouring of this! Absolutely STUNNING!!!! And these colors are so bright, cheerful .. happy! I am still looking at the scenery and I'm like, "Whoa!!!!" hehe!!!
ps .. CONGRATULATIONS on making DT!!! I'm looking forward to seeing everything you create with them!
Félicitaions pour ton nouveau DT!
Ta carte est superbe et j'adore les couleurs! bravo!
Nadyne xx
Wow, this is really pretty! : )
Beautiful card Danielle. Your colouring is lovely
Hugs Julie P
That's gorgeous coloring and it's so cheerful and pretty :o)
Oh Wow! I love this. You have created a wonderful scene and I love how you have beautifully decorated the whole card inside and out. Thank you for sharing with us at Sir Stampalot.
Clare x
Coucou Danielle! Oh quelle est belle cette petite carte! Très jolies couleurs qui se marient bien! La scène qui tu as crée est toute mignonne et parfaitement colorié!
Félicitations d'avoir intégrée une nouvelle équipe - cette position DT est bien méritée! Bravo ma belle!
Scrumptious Danielle! What a tremendous creation! Absolutely marvelous masking and coloring. Those flowers are divine along with that stick pin. Beautiful inside and out. Congratulations on the new DT position! They are so blessed to have you on their team my gifted artist friend! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects.
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Very pretty card Danielle, so rich and vibrant colours, your scene is fantastic as well as your coloring. Congrats on your DT position they are lucky to have you
Absolutely GORGEOUS the colors and the spectacular scene you created. The flowers are truly extraordinary and the pin sets it all off so well! The inside of your card is truly awesome. Beautiful work, Hon!
I second Cathylynn, they are lucky to have you!
Félicitation pour ta nomination de dt .
J'adore cette carte les couleurs sont vive ,le rose et le l'orangé se marie tres bien ,ton coloriage est tres bien réussi
Bravo Zig
Yay for you!!!!! And what a fantastic card...I really like the uneven frame she's in...just gorgeous!
Rene :D
How perfect these stamps go together! Thank you for the inspiration! I love the colors too! Gorgeous but I know not to expect nothing less from you, Danielle.
What wonderful news you share with us mon amie! Congratulations, it is a very well deserved honor. And yes I will follow you!!! There are a lot of colors in this challenge and you have done one outstanding job! I can't get over everything you have combined to make this gorgeous card. Very, very nice!
Big hugs to you Danielle!
Woo Danielle, I adore all your colors, you hit them all so perfectly... Love your layout and your ideas of incorporating your homemade flowers and pins into the scene to make a gorgeous card.. love the stamp and the fact that you used the Magnolia background, smart and a great choice...
I also want to congratulate you on your new DT position with Scrapbook ta vie... I know you will be a great asset to them as you are to anyone sho needs help...
Hugs, Jean
Beautiful creation! Thanks for joining us at Sir Stampalot this month.
Very beautiful. Very clever using that beautiful Maggie background with Sarah Kay's Rosalie's Bicycle. Yes, I have that stamp, but sadly haven't used it. I will now.
Fabulous coloring job!
Gorgeous both inside and out!
Great colouring
Thanks for joining us at Allsorts for the last free and easy july challenge and good luck!
Hugs, Jill
The Magnolia Spring background sets off your image and the card perfectly!
Beautiful scenery card, Danielle! Congrats on joining the DT at Scrapbook ta vie! You will do them proud! Can't wait to see MORE of your beautiful creations!
Hugs, Cami
fabulous card! I love it! Thanks for joining us at Sir S this month and good luck!
J'avais du rattrapage à faire sur ton blog....quelle production!!
Comme je te l'ai déjà mentionné...félicitations pour cette belle nomination, c'est grandement mérité!!
Tu fais des petites celle-ci ne fait pas exception....vraiment de toute beauté! J'adore ce mixe de couleurs.
Encore une fois bravo!!!!!
Danielle, big congrats on your DT position with Scrapbook ta vie. Oh you are going to be such an asset to them. Stunningly gorgeous card you've made here using all those bright colours. Love the scene you've set here and the shape of your centre panel is fab. Beautiful handmade flowers. Your colouring with coloured pencils is just as awesome as with markers and distress inks. Beautifully design card. I love it.
elle est renversante ta carte , de belles couleurs et le tampon magnolia avec sarah kay superbe , j'aime bcp bravo , gros bisous
WOW Danielle this is absolutely GORGEOUS, your coloring is out of this world beautiful!!! Thanks so much for joining us at Really Reasonable Ribbon!
Gorgeous creation, thanks for joining Sir Stampalot’s challenge, good luck.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
Oh wow! This is just so adorable! Love those flowers!! Thanks so much for playing in the Really Reasonable Ribbon Challenge!
Great take on the inspiration picture, Danielle! Love the way you cropped the image; seems to be dimensional. Also, the colors are so beautifully mixed together. Gorgeous creation!
Hugs, Iulia
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