J'ai choisi Miss Tilda with sparkles pour vous souhaiter la bonne année...Santé, Amour, Paix et Bonheur, sont mes voeux pour 2012, à vous mes amies du web, je souhaite en plus beaucoup de temps pour vous amuser et de nombreuses créations.
I am a few days late... this is well known to my close friends! LOL, seems I have always been late since I gave birth to my kids. No excuse, just a fact. Or... I am becoming slower!!!
Je suis évidemment, un peu en retard! ce trait de caractère est bien connu des mes proches! Je suis en retard depuis que j'ai donné naissance à mes enfants....Ce n'est pas une excuse, c'est un fait! ou je deviens de plus en plus lente...
On to my card. I just love this altered clock die by tim Holtz, that I have used it again, in the same layout as my Christmas card. I wanted my clock to imitate an hourglass, so I added some mini beads between the 2 layers of acetate, like a shaker card! it also gave me the possibility to play with transparency, and place Tilda inside the card!
À ma carte, j'aime tellement cette découpe d'horloge, que je l'ai encore utilisée dans le même mise en page que mes cartes de Noel. Cette fois, je voulais imiter un sablier, alors j'ai ajouté des mini billes entre les 2 feuilles d'acétate. comme pour une carte Shaker. Je peux ainsi jouer de la transparence, et placer Tilda à l'intérieur de la carte.
She is stamped on X-press blending card, colored with copics, the light around the sparkles is done with Glazon and a bit of perfect pearl powder. Around my image, I stamped little flowers (Stampleglede Vintage garden) with badly contaminated versamark ! embossed with clear poweder, and distressed with Scattered straw ink. I inserte a tag behind the image made with the beautiful Marianne Creatables die cut. My papers are from Echo Park, Dots & Stripes collection. I made the cluster with gorgeous elements I received from my friend Cathy. the bow is from my stash.
Elle est imprimée sur Xpress blending card, coloriée avec copics; la lumière autour des étincelles est faite avec le Glazon et unpeu de perfect pearl. J,ai étampé des petites fleurs autour de mon image (Stampleglede vintage garden) avec du versa mark, très contaminé... d'ou la petite teinte rosée, embossé avec dela poudre transparente, et encrée à la distress avec, la couleur Scrattered Straw. Derrière l'image, pour écrire les voeux, j'ai glissé une étiquette créée avec les découpes Marianne Creatables que vous trouverez chez Scrapbook ta vie (simplement cliquer sur le mot Marianne.)
Please come back on Friday, as our Inventory challenge resume with brand new challenges for 2012. We are all looking forward to play with our new toys...
Je serai de retour vendredi., avec l'équipe du Inventory Challenge, de tous nouveaux défis nous attendent pour 2012. Nous sommes toutes empressées de jouer avec nous nouveaux jouets!!!!!!!!

28 commentaires:
Oh I just have to get that Tim Holtz clock die, but it's out of stock everywhere...LOL. Danielle, a stunningly gorgeous card. Your colouring is always fabulously done. I love your shaker card--love how it relates to the the sand in the hourglass. Brilliant.
Your work is incomparable! How absolutely delightful this card is and so perfectly suited the shaker part of the card is to a New Year. You have the most creative and fabulous ideas my sweet friend! Hugs. Barb
WOW! This is a great looking card, very creative!!! I really love how you used the clock. Wonderful!!!
Oh wow wow WOW! This is amazing!!!!! Fabulous, fantastic, stunning! Oh, and gorgeous! :D
What an awesome card! How creative. Nicely done....
What a great idea to have the shaker separate to the image. This is absolutely gorgeous Danielle, Love it inside and out
Hugs julie P
I' m awestruck!!! WOW girl this is phenomenal!!!!! You are so dang clever and I love your new creation. Hey you may be a little late but OH this is indeed worth the wait!!
Your coloring and details are brilliant! Gee Wiz Danielle I could go on an on. I guess you can tell that I LOVE THIS CARD!!!!!
Hugs, Cathy
Danielle!!! É sempre uma surpresa maravilhosa quando visito seu blog.
A sua criatividade não tem limites e seu trabalho é sempre fantástico!!
Seu colorido é lindo demais, o modelo do cartão assim como tudo que você fez é um trabalho de mestre.
Muito obrigada por compartilhar seu talento conosco!!!
Que 2012 traga muitas alegrias e muita paz pra você e toda sua família.
This is absolutely adorable, Danielle. Very creative and love your Tilda; she is so sweetly colored.
Cathy Lee
Encore une fois je suis sans mot. J'aime beaucoup moi aussi cette decoupe. Tout est en harmonie et je suis certaine d'avoir une annee super en voyant cette carte. Merci et je te souhaite aussi une bonne annee et tout ce que tu desire et PLUS..... Bravo encore pour ta carte. Je t'envoie le lien pour m'a carte inspire par ta carte de Noel. http://leblogdesummite.blogspot.com/2011/12/cartes-de-noel.html merci pour l'inspiration......
Wow! Your creations are awesome. I love this one. I would love this clock face too. Fabulous how you designed the card and the coloring is beautiful.
Hugs Maz
wow ma belle Danielle, tu carte est tout a fait superbe!!!! J'adore ton bouquet sur le côté, c'est vraiment très joli! Et ta petite Tilda est colorier a la perfection. J'adore!!!!!
Great this combination, two of my favorites together!
What a way to start the New Year, your card is fabulous, love the cluster you created and your idea for the shaker card is awesome. Louise
What a beautiful way to bring in the New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your use of the TH clock...brilliant!
The inside is just as luscious as the outside of your lovely creation.
Beautiful work, as always!
Bonne année à toi chère amie!
Continue de nous épater...on adore!!
Et cette carte nous prouve encore une fois que tu as un talent fou!
J'adore ce jeu de transparence pour voir Tilda superbement coloriée!
Je me suis promise de me procurer cette découpe de Tim, très versatile et à utiliser sans restrictions!!
Toutes mes félicitations!
Wow, another amazing card!!!
great idea with the clock! Love it!
I adored this die cutter Danielle. What a clever way to use it for a shaker cover. Very sweet and lovely card and thanks for sharing your talents :o)
hahahaha! You crack me up .. you've always been late since you gave birth to your children! lol!!!
Well .. HAPPY NEW YEAR my dear Danielle! This card is absolutely DIVINE! It sings with richness .. the golds and blacks .. signifies such a BEAUTIFUL new year!!! I love how Tilda is in a shaker in the clock ... STUNNING!!!
Big Hugs,
Absolutely stunning!
Wow what a pectacular card Danielle!!!! Love the inside and outside!!!!! Fabulous work!!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!
Bonne et heureuse année! quelle soit remplis de tout ce que tu désires. Nous on désire que tu continue a nous en mettre plein la vue avec tes superbes cartes. Bravo pour cette jolie carte, j'adore le or et ta coloration est superbe. bravo!
Nadyne xx
I love your shaker card! Beautifully colored.
A wonderful, stunning, gorgeous card ! In- and Outside it's perfect ! Love it !
Greetings from Austria
Good and health new year
Oh, what a gorgeous shaker card! You are so inventive; that clock is absolutely fabulous! It's brilliant, inside and out!
Hugs, Iulia
WOW Danielle! This is over the top divine! Love it! Beautiful Tilda coloring and designing!
Tell me oh creative one! Do you just play around with stuff? How do you know how to do these steps? I don't even know what Glazon is but I guess it makes the perfect pearl powder adhere. Then you stamped on top of that and then you embossed that and then distressed that -- good golly Danielle! It all is beautiful!!!! Your card is one of the most outstanding cards I have ever seen - inside and out. As far as I am concerned, this is the work of a true artist!!
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