This week our Inventory challenge's theme is Hearts and more hearts... and a special one for me, on how the web can be a beautiful space for special encounters. When we put the list of challenges up, I knew I had to color tilda under a rain of heart, now knowing her story. Here is how it starts. I google her and happened to end up on Creashop Duymelot site in the Netherlands; she is available for purchase and I try to open my account with no success. I e-mail the webshop site, and get help form a lovely lady by the name of Astrid. With her help I give my order and get my stamp very fast. When tilda got safely home I advised Astrid, to learn that her shop bought this special edition Tilda when she learned that she has breast cancer. Honestly, I fell off my chair... I became clear to me that I would dedicate and send my card to Astrid, and tell you the story behind my project. As we are all woman, and subject to this terrible thing that cancer is, lets all join in thoughts and have a very special one for Astrid as she underwent her second chemo treatment on tuesday. yesterday, I read that she already had a new look...
Bon vendredi chères amies.
Le thème de notre Inventory Challenge cette semaine est Hearts and more hearts. Derrière mon projet cette semaine, il y a une histoire bien particulière. Elle illustre bien à quel point le web est un espace particulier. Lorsque j'ai dressé la liste de nos défis, et j'ai sélectionné le thème d'aujourd,hui, j,avais en tête une étampe Magnolia bien particulière, que je venais tout juste de commander. Tilda sous une pluie de coeur affichait non disponible depuis un bout, étant donné qu'elle était une édition spéciale et qu'on pouvait se la procurer uniquement auprès d'une boutique en ligne de la Hollande je surveillais régulièrement si la boutique s'était réapprovisionnée. Un bon soir, la chance était au rendez-vous, mais je ne parvenais pas à créer mon compte. J,ai donc communiqué avec la boutique pour obtenir de l,aide; la gentille Astrid m'a aidé, et j'ai pu compléter mon achat. Lorsque Tilda est arrivé à bon port, j'ai envoyé un courriel à la boutique Creashop Duymelot; dans sa réponse Astrid m,a appris que sa boutique avait fait l,achat de cette Tilda au moment où elle a appris qu'elle était atteinte d'un cancer du sein. Je me suis effondrée sur ma chaise... et j'ai su à ce moment que ma carte prendrait la direction de la Hollande, et qu'elle serait faite pour Astrid. Nous sommes toutes des femmes potentiellement sujet à cette terrible maladie. Je vous demande de prendre un moment et d,envoyer des ondes de courage de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique, Astrid recevait son 2e traitement mardi... Hier, j,ai lu un courriel qui me disait qu'elle avait changé sa coiffure...
Now, on to my card.

J,ai étampé Miss Tilda sur x-press blending card, et coloriée avec les copics. Puis, je n,avais plus d'inspiration... dans ce cas, je voyage sur le web à la recherche du déclic! Je me suis retrouvée chez Marianne en Norvège, je vous invite à la visiter, elle est super talentueuse, et publie des projets de toute beauté. Je me suis inspirée de ses maintes cartes à plis irrégulier, et j'ai vu comment j'encadrerais Tilda. Je me suis servie de ma cricut pour couper ce magnifique encadrement, je l'ai encré et embossé, et j'ai vaporisé avec du goosebump l'arrière du cadre. J'ai aussi utilisé cette petite technique d'embossage avec poudre iridescent sur le bord de tous mes papiers, pour donner un cachet et du volume. Mes papiers sont de Fancy pants, Love story; et ma découpe favorite de cheery lynn, des fleurs et un ruban et voila...
A close up of Miss Tilda, colored with copics.
Un gros plan de Miss Tilda, coloriée avec copics.
PLease take a moment to visit my friends and team mates, I am certain they have wonderful projects on their blogs. thank you and have a lovely weekend.
Prenez un moment pour visiter, mes coéquipières, je suis certaine qu'elles sauront vous emballer avec leurs projets. Merci de votre visite, et passez une merveilleuse fin de semaine. Ne manquez pas de vous joindre à notre crop en ligne, cliquez sur le blinky tout en haut de mon blogue pour vous rendre directement au forum!

35 commentaires:
Danielle this is gorgeous also is your coloring. The frame is magnific also all the beautiful flowers with the beautiful bow. I love everything what you did with your card. It's great.
WOW Danielle!!! Elle est trop belle ta carte!!! J'adore que tu racontes l'histoire de l'estampe et ton coloriage est merveilleux!!! Ta carte est vraiment parfaite, c'est un petit joyau! Bises, Brigitte
GORGEOUS! WOW! WOW! WOW! What else can I say about this amazing beautifully colored card. Tilda is beautiful and thanks for sharing the story that goes with this stamp. Astrid will love this gift. I pray for her full recovery too! I love the frame too! All real eye candy.
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Gorgeous card Danielle that you made with lots of love and admiration. Astrid will love it. Have a nice weekend
Gorgeous card (and the story behind it is just as beautiful). Astrid will treasure this. Wonderfully done :)
Danielle, you have done such a beautiful job with this absolutely darling stamp with such a beautiful story!! I talk to Astrid and her hubby Kees on a regular basis and they are real delights!! And yes, Astrid has a new look and I sent her some PINK ear warmers for her new look...smiles!! Big hugs..Jacque
OMG....what can I say that hasn't already been said???? Thank you for enlightening us....had no idea Astrid was ill!!!! I've been a regular visitor to her amazing blog.
Your card is BREATHTAKING, your coloring of this Tilda is superb....couldn't be any better!
I love everything about this card....it is a treasure!
Un autre carte meravilleuse. J'adore les coleur qui tu as choisi pur cette carte. La Tilda c'est très jolie.
Your cards are simply beautiful!! I have just started my Magnolia obsession, so looking at how others use them has given me so much inspiration!! Thank you for sharing!!
First, I'm so JEALOUS! I LOVE this Tilda...isn't she fabulous?!? Second, WOW on your coloring! She looks amazing! And your layout is gorgeous too! Stunning!
Rene ;D
Hi Danielle, Your card is just gorgeous!! I love the Tilda that you used and all the elements that you have added to your card. Your coloring is just beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!
Dani, I was so touched to read the story behind your card. Your heart is just so big that it touches people all around the world. This card is more than stunning! It is breathtaking!!! Your coloring is so beautiful that I can't stop looking at it and wishing I could see it up close and personal. Your cricut frame is perfect for the image and your flower arrangement...WOW! You have grown into such a professional with your cards, I encourage you to sell them! What a wonderful talent your gift is!
Hugs...Barb <><
Danielle!!! Once I told you how I feel reading your stories. You write in such a way that we can feel all you´re saying. Astrid will be on my prayers and I´m pretty sure she´ll love your care and support.
I can´t find the right words to express the beauty of your coloring and the way you do your card. It´s absolutely perfect with all the details and your coloring is "magnifique"!!!
Lot of hugs!!
Très jolie ta carte et elle dégage vraiment une belle émotion. C'est une très belle histoire qui s'y rattache.
A la semaine prochaine pour votre prochain défi!
Wow wow! I loove this so much Danielle! Love the pink and black color combination and those pretty papers! I don't think I've seen this gorgeous Tilda - love your coloring! hugs, Angela
Absolutely Beautiful Danielle! I love the die cuts and your wonderfully coloured Tilda, Delightful creation
Hugs Julie P
Hi Danielle!
Your card is so beautiful. I love the layout and the heart die cut. Your coloring is so lovely and the flowers look gorgeous.
So sorry to hear about Astrid. Having had a double mastectomy for breast cancer myself I can really feel for Astrid. My prayers are for her to have a speedy recovery.
Hugs Maz
Rally gorgeous Danielle - love the image and I really adore the die cuts you have used with this beautiful card.
Oh Danielle...how absolutely stunning!! I just love this Tilda...and your coloring is brilliant!! I know that Astrid is going to love this card...and cherish it forever!! Hugs. Pat Frank
Gorgeous card and gorgeous coloring. Love pink and black together.
Danielle, your card is gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing the heartfelt story behind your card. Your work is always so beautiful.
Amazing card Danielle. Love the pretty coloring and how special that you even loop the ribbon to match the breast cancer edition theme. A lovely card :-
Hi Dear Danielle .. your story has warmed my heart. :) I love how the "coincidences" in our lives make us look at things so much closer. I know Astrid will treasure this GORGEOUS creation that you have made her .. especially it being made by someone with such a huge heart! Every single detail on this is absolutely INCREDIBLE .. and your story behind this makes it so much more special! You've made me sit and think .. about life once again. :)
Sending you lots of Love,
I love to be your follower.You make your cards so beautiful.Also this one,i like the hearts very much.
You're such a great sample for everybody.
Lots of love and greetings Juanita
A beautiful card and with such a meaningful story! Great work hugs Shelley
Ma belle Danielle ta carte est tout simplement SUPERBE!!!!!! J'adore ta magnifique Tilda ça valait la peine d'être patiente pour l'avoir lol!!!! et que dire de la chanceuse qui va la recevoir.... je vais penser très fort à elle et lui envoyer plein d'ondes pour qu'elle se rétablisse vite!!!!
Sweet card, Love all the pretty details!!
This is beautiful Danielle!!!
Ta carte est magnifique!
Très belle histoire très touchante, je suis certaine que ta carte va la rendre heureuse. bravo!
Nadyne xx
It's gorgeous! And i know she is going to love it!
Ouf! je viens de réaliser que je ne t'avais pas laissé de message...j'étais passé à toute vitesse vendredi!!
Je ne peux passer à côté de ce chef-d'oeuvre Danielle!
Ta coloration est....une vraie RÉUSSITE!!! la totale quoi!
J'aime la chaleur qui se dégage de ta carte et c'est tout mignon le petit ruban rose.
Ce sera certainement très apprécié!
Toutes mes félicitations Danielle!! et bonne fin de week-end!
Such a beautiful card Dani and it is a beautiful story as well. Your pink coloring is so gorgeous and your mat your made is so stunning as is your whole layout.. This is one fantastic card.. Thank you for sharing everything.. Prayers for Astrid..
Hugs, Jean
Danielle, your card for Astrid is beautiful! She will be so happy to receive this. When I first heard about her story, I purchased this stamp to make a card for her. Kees has been so kind to keep us updated on her status and she is a very strong-willed gal. It is very kind and thoughtful of you to dedicate this challenge to Astrid.
Gorgeous Danielle! Lovely Tilda coloring and designing... smashing frame you have her in!
Oh what a beautiful card, Love the pretty colors and the awesome image!!
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