Christina and I and our lovely team are happy to welcome you to our 70th Inventory Challenge, featuring Texture! I almost did not make it ... Seems like everything went wrong. But here I am, out of breath, but all there!
Bon vendredi chères amies,
Mon amie Christina, notre talentueuse équipe et moi même vous accueillons à notre 70e Inventory Challenge, sous le thème de la texture... Je suis à bout de souffle, cette semaine fut assez chargée, mais malgré tout j'ai réussi.
Today, we are going to travel to Japan, as Tilda will make us discover the mysterious world of Geishas. I had managed to create a nealy white face for her, but I had a little accident while coloring her dress. To use the maximum of wetness for a nice blending, I hold my copics in my left hand, cap out... I was changing colors, and dropped the darkest pink, right in the middle of Tilda's face. Half an hour later, and an empty blender, I gave her back her lovely complexion, a tiny bit darker than I really wanted! Would you like to see my booboo? I took a pic, just in case, yesterday would be an hectic day, and I would not be able to make it! but we can all laug about it!
Nous nous apprêtons à explorer le monde fascinant des Geishas. J'avais réussi avec mes crayons copics à créer le teint blanc rosé uniforme des geishas, mais j'ai eu un petit accident! Pour profiter du maximum d'humidité lorsque je fais mes dégradé, je tiens mes marqueurs, sans bouchons dans ma main gauche, ce qui me permet de changer rapidement de couleur... eh! bien, j'ai échappé le rose foncé, en plein centre du visage de mademoiselle Tilda. Une demie heure plus tard, et un blender 0 à sec, j'ai réussi à réchapper mon image, mais en échange, Tilda a un teint un peu plus rosé! vous vous en rire?
For my card, I colored Japanese Tilda, from the Bon Voyage collection, with copics, stamped on x-press blending card. The glitter in Tilda's flowers is made with atyou spica gel pens. To meet my challenge requirements, I used two cuttlebug folders, from the Plum blossom set. To create the shiny look on the black pannel, I sprayed it with Goosebumps, and embossed all borders with Holographic powder. the shapes are from Spellbinders, the ribbon from my stash, and flowers also. My papers are leftovers of Kyoshi collection from Basic Grey, cardstock from stampin up.
J,ai colorié Japanese Tilda, de la collection Bon Voyage avec mes copics, sur x-press blending card. Ce sont les Atyou spica gel qui donne le brillant sur les fleurs. Pour rencontrer mon défi, j'ai utilisé en arrière plan, deux plioirs de Cuttlebug, de la collection Plu blossom. J,ai vaporisé du Goosebumps sur le panneau noir, et embossé les bordures avec de la poudre holographique. Les formes sont de spellbinders, le ruban et les fleurs de mon inventaire. Mes papiers sont de la collection Koyshi, de Basic grey, un reste de feuille, et les cartons de stampin up.
Un gros plan de Geisha Tilda, nest-elle pas adorable
dans son kimono de soie rose?
A close up of Geisha Tilda, isn't she adorable in her pink silk kimono?
Thank you so much for visiting me, and please take a moment to visit my very talented team mates at their respective blogs. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take care.
Merci d'être venu me visiter, prenez un moment pour aller faire un tour sur le blogue de mes talentueueuses coéquipières. Passez une belle fin de semaine.

40 commentaires:
Wow Danielle, this is a gorgeous creation. The way you have colored Japanese Tilda is beautiful, i did not look at the little image LOL. But you did an wonderfull job to resolve the problem. I think i colored her again. Also your design and the parts with the embossing is magnificent. All the other details are beautiful.
Have a nice weekend,
xoxo Sylvia
hoo wow elle est magnifique et sont kimono lui va a merveillle hiihihi|| J'adore ta carte!!!
WOW, ta carte est FANTASTIQUE!!! Ton coloriage est parfait et on ne voit vraiment pas le bobo!!! J'adore l'embossage sur le paneau rose et les fleurs sont magnifiques!!! En tout, une carte parfaite!!! Bises, Brigitte
Ta carte est vraiment SUPER comme toujours d'ailleurs. Pour ce qui est de la peau de la Geisha j'en ai jamais vu en personne donc la tienne est parfaite.... BRAVO
Good Morning Danielle! Holy cow this is unbelievable. FANTASTIC!!! Your coloring is superb and the choice of embossing is remarkable. I love
how you did the edging. ONLY You my friend... So darn creative!!! You boo boo wasn't a boo boo after all. Great floral spray too. Gee wiz I could go on and on. LOVE IT!!!
Hugs, Cathy
Great card! I love the oriental feel of this, the flowers just fit perfect. And I can't believe Tilda had a boo-boo, you've recovered wonderfully!!
Indeed, she is adorable! You colored that lovely Geisha to perfection, my friend!!!!! Love the embossed panels behind Tilda and that amazing floral exhibition is simply breathtaking!!!
GORGEOUS card sweetie...and that image is too sweet!!! I love the oriental feel to this card...oh my...the coloring (even with a booboo) is so lovely!!! Stunning details too!!! Have a great weekend, hon...Big hugs..Jacque
DANI!!! This is so exquisite!!! Your recovery on Tilda's face if most remarkable! Your pairing of your pink with the black, the embossed backgrounds and the gorgeous flower arrangement are breathtaking! Your artistic juices flow in abundance even in the midst of a hectic week! Awesome job! Hugs...Barb <><
très belle ta carte mon amie!!!! Ça parait même pas ta chicane avec ton copic rose foncé lol!!!! Tout est vraiment magnifique, je l'adore!
Magnifique cette carte Danielle!
Hi Danielle, your card is gorgoeus!! I love the two embossed panel behind Tilda and the beautiful floral arrangement. The black panel looks like black lacquer with the goosebumps on it! And, Tilda is colored so beautifully!! Have a wonderful weekend!
Superbe! J'adore le choix de couleurs, la façon dont tu as disposé les éléments décoratifs!
Une carte toute en harmonie encore une fois.
Bonne semaine!
Oh my gosh Danielle! First of all, let me tell you how much your little booboo cracked me up! I mean, I literally giggled in my chair imagining what kind of words must've come out of your mouth when your marker dropped right on Tilda's beautiful face! lol!
And thennnn .. to see the magic you did and cleaned it up?! Oh my goodness! That is amazing! I would never have known that something happened to her! Your creations is absolutely STUNNING! Love the different shapes behind Tilda which is coloured so FABULOUSLY! And of course your flower bouquet .. .sigh ... GORGEOUS!!!!
Much Love,
I wouldn't have even known you'd had an accident...she turned out so lovely! And congrats on your persistence...I'd have angrily crumpled her up and thrown her away! Your card turned out sweet with the pink and the black adds an element of elegance!
Rene :D
Beautiful card, love the embossed background and the added bling. Tilda is adorable, fabulous coloring
Mais quelle persévérance...un blender à sec...cela en valait le coup!! SUPERBE!!
Tu as vraiment recrée un style oriental...embossage, fleurs, etc.
Toutes mes félicitations Danielle!
Bon week-end!
This is beautiful Danielle, I love the embossed panels and your colouring of sweet Tilda. Gorgeous creation.
Suzi x
What a miraculous recovery -- I really don't know how you fixed this Danielle! Your card is sweet and very delicate looking really - so Oriental. I think of far away places and soft speaking ladies. And Sake!!!! Honestly Danielle you know what I believe about your art- I wish I could only come with new words.
Your Southern Belle Friend!
So very gorgeous!! : )
Hi Danielle,
What an amazing card you've made
Tilda is beautiful - no one would ever know she had a booboo to start with!
I LOVE your embossing folders as well as your flowers, and pretty papers!
Hugs, Candy
Elle est magnifique ta carte! j'Adore les couleurs et tous les détails. Tu es très patiente d'avoir continuer à vouloir sauver ta gesha et ça donne un super résultat. bravo!
Nadyne xx
Those flowers are just stunning! I love your little Japanese Tilda, Delightful card
Hugs Julie P
Absolutely Gorgeous!! Every details makes this card Perfect! :-)
OMG Danielle, your card is so breathtakingly beautiful! What a miraculous can't even tell! I love that two embossed panels behind Tilda, and the black really looks like enamel paint! Your floral arrangement is so pretty, like the Japanese call "ikebana."
Allo Danielle your card is absolutely stunning!!!! Love the geisha look!!!! Your coloring is superb as always!!!!! Wow!!!!
Absolutely breathtaking!! I would not have known you had a dropped marker except for the picture. You are very talented. The card is so well put together, every element compliments your coloring.
What a stunningly beautiful card. A great save on the face/don't you hate it when that happens?
Une vraie pro d,avoir réparé ainsi ta gaffe! Elle est magnifique j,adore la déco et les couleurs un gros bravo!
This is so stunning Danielle! Beautiful image and I love the layout and colors you chose for this card and pretty papers. Really beautiful job! hugs, Angela
She is gorgeous in her pink kimona. Your coloring is also gorgeous. Beautiful embellishments all help complement this beautiful Geisha.
Beautiful card! I love your spray of flowers.
What a beautifull card Danielle. Love your colouring. You did a great job fixing your boo boo. I think I would have started all over again....
Hugs Monique
Beautiful, beautiful card Danielle. Love your colors and especially love your gorgeous flowers.. Tilda's Kimona is so stunning. You did a great job.
Hugs, Jean
Tres jolie does not describe this card. It is stunning. Love the black and pink. Everything is just gorgeous.
Stunning card with every element and embellishment match perfect with the theme. Love the way you even put details on the embossed texture cardstock :o)
Bravo Danielle pour ton adorable petite japonaise. Cette carte reflète beaucoup de douceur et de classe. J'adore aussi ta façon d'appliquer tes couleurs. Cela dénote vraiment ton talent d'artiste.
Bravo Danielle pour cette magnifique carte. Ta petite japonaise est adorable et j'aime beaucoup ta façon de colorier tout en harmonie. Les couleurs que tu as choisies pour entourer ton étampe dénotent beaucoup de douceur et de classe. L'embossage sur les panneaux donne beaucoup d'effet.
Danielle, gorgeous card--as usually, fabulously turned out. Oh I did not know that it's possible to repair that kind of mishap so perfect. I can't see any hint of the dropped ink. I think I probably would have cried my eyes out and started over...LOL. Anyway, awesome job you did on the Tilda. Love your embossed paper with the blossoms. Your spray of flowers is just to die for. Love your card.
Yikes, it snowed last night and I thought spring is here already...LOL. Have to get my boots out now to trudge to work...sigh
Yikes Danielle!! I have to say, you rescued this image like a true professional, girlfriend!! I would NEVER have guessed! You removed the "boo boo" brilliantly...and saved this exquisite image! I love your coloring...and design work! Love all the embossing too! Hugs. Pat Frank
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