If I truly want to be inspired by spring, I cannot look out the window this morning, we had a snowstorm yesterday that left us with 6 inches of this white stuff on the ground! Christina, our team and I are very happy to welcome you to our 71st Inventory Challenge, featuring SPRING.
Bon vendredi, chères amies,
Je n'ai pu chercher inspiration du printemps en regardant par la fenêtre ce matin, nous avons eu une petite tempête hier qui nous a laissé un tapis blanc de quelque 6 pouces. Christina, notre équipe et moi même, vous accueuillons ce matin, à notre 71e défi, sur le printemps!
For my card, I chose images from the Butterfly dream collection of last year, Tilda with rubber boots, and stone pathway. My images were stamped on Cryogen white, using the mask technique, which will be my monthly tutorial for Scrapbook ta vie... OMG, as much as I love this paper, I had been using X-pressblending card lately, and had quite a surprise when I colored my images. It is true to say that copics do not react the same on both papers... I am not totally satisfied with Tilda's curly hair, but this is it. I also had to practice shading with prismacolor, I was totally surprised at how different the pencils react on different papers... the pleasures of Experiencing! Enough of my bla bla, on to my card.
J,ai choisi pour ma carte les étampes de la collection magnolia Butterfly dream de 2011, notamment Tilda with rubber boots, et le sentier de pierres. J'ai utilisé la technique du masque pour imprimé mes images, sur papier Cryogen white. Autant où j'adore l'effet irisé de ce papier, autant j'ai eu de la difficulté à colorier. Je ne l,avais pas employé dernièrement, et l,encre se comporte très différemment que sur le X-press blending card. Je suis un peu déçue du résultat des cheveux bouclés de Tilda... Je voulais apporter une note de chaleur à mes copics, alors j'ai ombragé avec du prismacolor. Là aussi, le cryogen se comporte très différement. Assez de blabla... à ma carte.
I realize I had quite a big image, and was looking for a different layout... My sweet and very talented friend Iulia, presented me with a perfect solution, a fancy fold card and a perfect layout for such a big image.thank you, dear Iulia.
Je me suis rendue compte en cours de réalisation, que mon image était très grande, et que le sketch que j,avais prévu, ne convenait justement pas. C'est en visitant ma talentueuse et chère amie Iulia que j'ai puisé mon inspiration, d'une carte à pli irrégulier. Merci ma belle Iulia!
I used the magnificient PION design papers,Fairytale of spring 2011, that I received as a gift from a dear friend; ... and had a stroke putting the scissors on the 12 X 12 sheet. I left the paper on my table, just to face the fact I would eventually have to cut them LOL...If I play with all other papers, with these ones, I take myself a bit more seriously... but there is no use leaving them in my stack.
Mes papiers sont de la collection PION Design, Fairytale of spring 2011; je les ai reçus en cadeaux d'une amie très chère et je fais une attaque chaque fois que je coupe dans ces papiers. Je les ai apprivoisés toute la semaine... les laissant sur ma table. Si je joue aisément avec le papier, je me prends plus au sérieux lorsque je mets les ciseaux dans ceux ci!
A little close up of Miss Tilda, enjoying a spring day!
Un gros plan de Mlle Tilda, qui profite d'une belle journée de printemps.
I hope you were inspired by spring, and that you will have fun creating this weekend. Please take a moment to visit my very talented teamates, and get more inspiration.
J,espere que le printemps vous inspirera à créer des jolis projets tout au long de la fin de semaine. Je vous invite à prendre un moment et vous rendre sur les blogues de mes talentueuses co-équipières, vous y puiserez certeraiment plus d'inspiration.

Magnolia-licious challenge blog
Deep ocean challenge, No. 20, Spring
Just magnolia - anything goes
37 commentaires:
That is so cute Danielle ! I love scenery cards and you do such a good job of them :)).
Hugs Monique
J'adore les couleurs de ta carte, elle a p'tit vent de printemps que j'aime bien. Bravo!!!
Godd Morning Danielle. What a lovey scene of Tilda enjoying her spring walk! Gorgeous coloring and OH so lovely DP's. I knew you would come up with something amazing and PRESTO! For you easy peasy!!! Magnificient my friend!
Hugs, Cathy
My dear friend, this is absolutely exquisite. I love the layout...perfect for this Tilda! Your coloring, as always, is superb!
The papers, of course, are to die for.....need to use mine!!!!
Gorgeous details.....a truly extraordinary creation!
Bon matin ma belle amie!!! Ta carte est superbe!!! J'aime tellement ça les cartes avec des plis différents, c'est vraiment beau!!!! Du bonbon pour les yeux ce matin!!!!! Bonne journée ma belle xxxx
Cette petite Tilda est toute "cute" avec ces petites bottes.... J'adore quand les enfants portent leurs petites bottes de caoutchouc colorées..là c'est vraiment le signe du printemps!!(mais à Québec pas eu de neige hier :-))
J'adore cette compagnie de papiers aussi...dommage qu'on ne les retrouve pas au Québec...
Je te souhaite un bon week-end Danielle!
Beautiful card Danielle, The DP's are awesome I'm so jealous would love to get my hands on Pion papers. The scene you created is perfect as well as your coloring. Have a great weekend
This is gorgeous Danielle, Wonderful combination of stamps, Delightful card
Hugs Julie P
This is one of my favorite Tildas and you have mead such a pretty card with her. Love all the layers and ribbons.
Beautiful card! The DPs are gorgeous and Tilda looks so pretty. Great job:)
Cette carte est magnifique. J'adore les etampes qui tu as utilisee.
Les coleurs sont très jolie.
Merveilleuse petite Tilda du printemps...tu en a fais une très jolie carte...couleurs et papiers font une belle combinaison...j'adoooore!
Good Morning, good morning, it's great to wake up late, good morning, good morning to you! I only wish you could hear me singing this pretty song to you this morning. You have the snow and we are socked in with fog and rain. But rain or snow, we are here to create and applaud our dear friends as they create from their hearts. You my dear friend, your creations spring forth from you heart. Like the card you posted yesterday and now this one - I can see you living in this world, peddling away on your bike with your little dog. Your card is gorgeous and I love it when you experiment around with different techniques. I am so glad our paths crossed Danielle and your card today is full of beautiful Spring.
Hi Danielle, what a beautiful Spring card!! I love the scene you have created and how you distressed the edges and added a little sparkle! The DP's are wonderful!! Have a great weekend!
WOWZER!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I love your coloring, your pretty details and sparkle!! TFS! HUGS
Elle est superbe encore une fois!!! On peut vraiment voir les plis de sa robe et les pierres ont l'air vrai!!! Elle est mignonne comme tout! Bises, Brigitte
Oh pretty pretty pretty!!! I love this card...your pinks and green...your sweet image...those gorgeous flowers! Just lovely!
Rene :D
Hi Danielle, as always you have made a wonderful and gorgeous creation. Your design is stunning with all the beautiful details. I have the same problem that you have with the DP's. Some are so beautiful that you want to keep them forever LOL. But you made a marvelous card with them and also your coloring is very,very beautiful.
Gorgeous card! You colored Tilda beautifully. I love the colors and the flowers.
Yes, yes, yes! I totally agree with every comment that has already be posted! Wonderfully romantic, fabulously colored, beautifully assembled and just gorgeously elegant! Stunning card...hugs...Barb <><
Hi Danielle! Your spring card is so pretty...lovely DPs, layout, and I think you did a wonderful job coloring Tilda and see no struggle with the paper her! Be kind to yourself! The flowers and ribbon add such a pretty, feminine touch!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs, Cami
Delightful layout of this card Danielle. Your coloring is gorgeous :o)
Oh yes yes yes!!!!! This is GORRRRRGEOUS! I love how that ribbon just flows on both sides and those flowers!!! OoOoO I am patiently waiting for my box to arrive! :) Love these soft Spring colors and the little scenery you've created for this Tilda .. absolutely STUNNING!!!!
And okay ... everyone else is getting snow! Pllleeeease send some snow this way over to me! hehe!!!!!!
Much Love,
This is so beautiful! Love the soft colors!
Danielle, this is very beautiful! Love the soft spring colors you used and your coloring is lovely! Gorgeous design and layout and I love your pretty embellishments. :) hugs, Angela
This is so beautiful. I love your coloring and this beautiful card and papers.
Ta carte est magnifique. Le choix des couleurs est très harmonieux.
J'aime beaucoup l'arrière plan soit les pierres, les fleurs. ça fait une très jolie scène pour Tilda.
A bientôt!
Beautiful card Danielle, love the colour combo and the layout. great idea to sparkle up the flowers.
Suzi x
Elle est superbe ta carte! j'aime beaucoup les couleurs que tu as choisies. bravo pour cette superbe création. Nadyne xx
Precious! Love the card and your beautiful details.
Your card is totally beautiful, love the colors and the wonderful layout design.
Blessings, Doreen
wow elle est magnifique encore une fois!! j'adore les couleurs le montage il y as beaucoup de travail et elle est parfaite!!!
Bonjouir Danielle,tres bon....... your blog, its magnificent and y our work is stunning,t hanks so much for visiting me today also, I am very grateful I shall be popping by daily to see your wonderful creations xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Daniella, simply gorgeous. Love this colour combo--was just thinking of doing another spring card and this is just perfect. Adorable Tilda--I don't know why I don't have this one as living in Vancouver, I can identify with this one in her rain boots..LOL.
Oh yes, those Pion papers are to die for. Fabulous card--love it!
This is absolutely beautiful Danielle. Just love your colouring. What a stunning combination. hugs Sharon
Wow Danielle!!! You did it again !!! What amazing card. I wish you could read portuguese. It's easier for me and I´ll have another words to tell you how much I love all your work!!! The scene you created is absolutely gorgeous and Ialso love the soft colors. No words at all about your coloring!! I just love all you do!!
Have a great week!!
wow what a stunning scene danielle!!!! Love this card you did a spectacular job on it!!!!! C'[est fantastique!!!!! Wow!!!
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