Happy Thursday,
I have not been very present on blog land lately. I have a list of valuable reasons for this! One being, spending last weekend in a luxurious hotel in downtown Montreal, to take my Copic certification, both levels... I was looking forward to a whole weekend of sitting down, coloring, and learning; and I was not wrong about that, but OH! I have not been on a school bench for a loooooong time, and staying concentrated for that many hours, left me quite tired! Unable to test my new learnings until Monday.
Bon jeudi,
J'étais plutôt absente dernièrement du monde du blogue, et je vous épargne la pénible liste de raisons. A l'exception d'une seule que je partage avec vous: j'ai passé la fin de semaine dernière dans un hôtel luxueux du centre-ville de Montréal, en compagnie d'adeptes de Copic, désireuses de faire leur certification. J,ai eu le grand bonheur de rencontrer Brigitte, que je visite régulièrement! et plusieurs autres carteuses, d'ici et d,ailleurs. Puis...je me suis reposé l'esprit! intense comme expérience.
I wanted to immortalize this weekend, with a copic related, and coloring theme! What do you know, I found the perfect image, thanks to Copic marker Europe who has a challenge to celebrate their first year. Krista Smith, from Saturated Canary, offered the wonderful image called Travelling colors, and I just could not resist her. She is my first to life SC image I colored. and boy... did I love her. With no further ado, let me show you my card. I am not a very good photographer, and it was difficult to show the true colors of this beautiful paper, by MME, called Dolled Up, and get the proper shade of white of the copic paper... I did my best.
Mais je souhaitais témoigner de cette expérience sur mon blogue d'une manière originale. En faisant ma tournée, j'ai découvert que Copic Marker Europe nous proposait un défi à l'occasion de leur premier anniversaire, en offrant une image de Saturated Canary, Krista Smith, appelée Travelling colors. Cette image tombait du ciel. C'est la première image de SC que je colore, et j,ai adoré! Sans plus attendre, voici ma carte, je ne suis pas très bonne photographe, et j'ai eu peine à saisir les vraies couleurs de ce magnique papier par MME, Dolled Up, et de garder le papier copic blanc. J,ai fait mon possible.
Little miss Copic, is printed on Make it Crafty copic cardstock, that I was testing... I am sorry to say I prefer Xpress blending; it was such a shock after coloring the whole weekend on Xpress, and trying my hand at MIC. The markers do not react the same at all. However, I am very happy of the result, and a lot less afraid of reds than I was a week ago LOL. the layout is mine, and is the result of lots of mistakes in cutting layers ! I did not want to spoil this wonderful MME, Miss Caroline - Dolled Up - paper. I f you look closely, you will see the little sentiment at the bottom: Start every day with a smile... I would add, and a copic marker!!!!!
J'ai imprimé cette jolie demoiselle sur un papier copic de Make it carfty, auquel je préfère grandement le Xpress blending card. Les couleurs ne sortent pas pareil, et le "blending" non plus! Je suis quand même contente du résultat, et beaucoup moins impressionnée par les rouges!
Inside, a little pocked to slip money, or a gift certificate; and plenty of space to write ! I also printed a tiny version of the image on the writing space.
À l'intérieur, ma classique petite pochette et amplement d'espace pour écrire, sur lequel j'ai imprimé l'image en tout petit.
Hoping my card will make you smile, and inspire you many coloring experiences! Have a lovely day.
J'espère que ma carte vous fera sourire, et vous inspirera des expériences de coloriage agréable! Bonne journée.
I design for:
Je dessine pour:

I will enter my card in the following challenge:
Copic Marker Europe