nous voici déjà au mois de septembre, j'espère que vous avez bien profité de votre été! comme le beau temps s'étire encore, notre Dt Nadine nous a préparé un scrapcouleur qui me fait penser à une chaude journée d'automne! Alors voilà ce que je m'a inspiré cette belle combinaison de couleurs.
Happy Saturday,
I hope you have enjoyed your summer! I can't believe we are already in September. this month, our DT Nadine has chosen a very lovely color combination, that reminds of of a warm fall day... This is the card that those wonderful colors remind me of.
J,ai choisi Tilda with corn, de la collection Turning Leaves 2012, que j'ai coloriée avec mes copics. Mes papiers sont Woodlands de Forever in time.
My card features Tilda with corn, from the Turning leaves 2012 collection, that I colored with my copics. My papers are from Forever in time, (Woodlands).
Un gros plan de Tilda
A close up of Tilda.
I used a fun gatefold card style, and reduced the left pannel to a minimum, to be able to show the nice design of the paper, inside and out. I glued a little velcro under the ribbon, to close the card snuggly.
J,ai laissé un grand espace d'écriture sur le panneau central, décoré avec une étampe feuille.
I left a nice space to write wishes on the middle section of the card, decorated with a leaf stamp.
J'espère que ces jolies couleurs vous inspireront, et que vous viendrez participer à notre défi en grand nombre, pour tous les renseignements, c'est ICI

24 commentaires:
Oh la la quel travail Danielle
encore de belles couleurs, j'aime beaucoup le bouquet qui fait très automnal! une superbe colorisation de tilda!
WoooooooooW Danielle!!! Elle est magnifique!!!! J'adore la façon dont tu as colorié la jupe, c'est si beau!!!! Et aussi, c'est très original les plis irréguliers. Tes cartes sont toujours finies de toute beauté! Bises, Brigitte
OMG.....this is superb coloring!!!!
I am in love with Tilda w/Corn....she is GORGEOUSssssssss!!!
Love how you colored and showcased this cutie; the design, inside and out, is spectacular!
I also love the colors used on your first card....perfect papers to go with the THoltz clock! Gorgeous flowers!
Beautiful card, love this type of layout. Great choice of papers and colours. Have a great weekend
Beautifully done Danielle!! Love all the colors and your coloring looks like it is shear perfection. Did you use copics? Pretty, pretty art work!
This is just gorgeous, I love the Autumn tones, very sweet
Hugs Julie P
Gorgeous card Danielle....inside and out. Love the colors and you've colored Tilda beautifully.
A gorgeous card Danielle. your coloring is brilliant. Love the layout.
Hugs maz
Wow! This is gorgeous Danielle! : )
Hi Danielle, your card is so gorgeous! You have used the colors in the inspiration photo so beautifully! Your coloring of Tilda is just perfect! Fall is one of my favorite times of the year and your card brought a big smile to my face!
Big Hugs,
Goodness Gracious Danielle! How did I miss this one?!!! Wowwwweee! This is yet another STUNNING creation! The colors are so PERFECT and your colouring .. oOoOH GORGEOUS! Abosolutely LOVE this as always!
Wow Danielle this is stunning and your colouring is so beautiful hunnie, love this card and the way you have colooured the little tilda, have alovely day huggies june xxxxxxxxxx
Wow, your card is gorgeous! Such lovely coloring and design.
Comme une journée d'automne ensoleillée...que c'est beau!!
J'aime beaucoup l'ouverture de ta carte...faudrait que j'utilise ce principe..ça fait changement et c'est superbe!!
J'inviterais bien cette petite Tilda à venir ramasser des feuilles cet automne...elle a l'air vraiment heureuse!
Félicitations Danielle!!
This is so sweet, Danielle and lovely design. I love how you colored Tilda and those DPs are gorgeous. The perfect touch.
Cathy Lee
Well, you already know from Facebook that I love this one! I'm just obsessed with how you colored her skirt!!!
Rene :D
Danielle, a stunningly gorgeous card. I luvvv autumn colours!! Oh, you've got a statsh of seriously beautiful DP's. Love the design of your gate-fold card. The inside is just as wonderful.
WOW you snuck two cards in over the weekend and I almost misssed them. I'm at Lu's and we are both admiring your art! Holy Smokes you've been very busy with all these beauties. Love your coloring and of course all of your gorgeous DP's and embellishemnts. Love this style and everything else your creative mind put together.
Hugs, Cathy and Lu too!
Magnifique!!! tout aussi belle a l'extérieur que l'intérieur, bravo!!
Nadyne xx
Beautiful coloring and card creating Danielle! Love your Tilda! So cute!
Darling card and love the pretty gate folds. The bright coloring is perfectly done for this color combo challenge :o)
Danielle this is so beautiful what a super image and a fantastic card with fabulous papers hugs Elaine
Another beautiful creation Danielle, Your papers, layout and colouring are fantastic. A perfect Autumn card.
Suzi x
Adorable! Ü
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