Bon vendredi!
merci de votre visite! je me fais rare de ce temps ci! je cours ici et là...et je travaillais sur une page de scrapbook, que je n,ai pas encore terminée et une autre carte! entre deux brassées de lavage, et les courses, et etc!!! Alors, ce matin je vous présente un ensemble carte et boitatou portant les voeux de fêtes à la soeur de ma voisine, qui aime les chats et le rose! J,ai choisi un étampe de Sweet Pea, dans la collection de Karen Middleton, que je trouve vraiment mignonne! Je l,ai coloriée au crayons de bois, Faber Castel, sur papier Bristol. Mes papiers sont de la collection bo Bunny, Prairie Chic. Lorsque mon amie Cathy Lynn m'a envoyé le lien de Becca sur la technique du "ribbon ruching" désolée, je n'ai pas de traduction! Je me suis empressée d'essayer! Alors voilà le résultat!
Happy Friday!
thank you for stopping by! I am not very present on the web these days.. I run here and there, I have been working on scrapbooking pages, that are not finished, and have two cards on my table! All this between two loads of laundry, lunches and errands! the usual I guess! this morning I am sharing with you a card I created to the request of my neighbour, she wanted something special for her sister who loves pink and cats! I worked with a cute little image from Karen Middleton, in Sweet Pea stamps. It is stamped on Bristol and colored with Faber Castel. My papers are from BoBunny, Prairie Chic collection. When my friend Cathy Lynn sent me Becca's link on Ribbon Ruching, I had to try this technique... Do you like the result?
J'ai prévu une petite pochette dans laquelle j,ai glissé une étiquette, pour inscrire des souhaits. À l'opposé, c'est un grand cadre coupé avec ma cricut qui porte les voeux personnalisés.
The inside features a little pocket with a tag to write a message, and a framed personal birthday wish.
Un aperçu de la boitatou! J,aime vraiment ce produit, pour ne plus m'en passer! et lorsque je reçois une commande de carte, on me demande toujours la petite boîte avec, s'il vous plaît!
A view of matching boitatou! I love this product so much, that I can't live without them! Each time I receive an order for a card, I am asked to make the little box to match!
L'ensemble, carte et boite!
The matching set!
I hope you have enjoyed your visite! I am almost finished with another project that I will share with you as soon as I have given it to my sister in law, next saturday. I wish you a beautiful weenkend, I thank you for your visit and your kind words, that I enjoy reading very much.

12 commentaires:
Oh goodness, this is absolutely priceless.......adore your superb coloring of the fur...so realistic!
I love your ribbon treatment and all the glitter. The matching presentation box is beautiful. I'm sure your neighbor was thrilled with the result!
Vraiement trop mignon!! J'adore la technique du ruban, merci pour le lien
bon weekend
Danielle this is a phenomenal gift set. Gosh I don't know where to start because everything is down right beautiful. Love how you colored the kitty. All of your details are remarkable! Those charms are perfect too! Lots to admire here! I love it all!
Hugs, Cathy
WOW Danielle!!!! C'est super! Ton chat est colorie magnifiquement. On peut voir chaque poil, j'adore! Le ruban est merveilleux, il faut que j'aille voir le tuto et essayer. Bises, Brigitte
Absolutely Stunning and very gorgeous!!!
And I love what you did with the pink lace! Is there a link in this post?
The DP's are very beautiful and all that pink makes this set so very feminine.
Love all the details and great colouring!
I haven't tried to colour fur myself, but looking at this cute image I think I want to give it a try myself! :-)
Very inspiring and thanks for sharing!
Bye from the Netherlands,
Hi Dear Danielle! Oooh my gosh! Look at that kitty .. it's so GORGEOUSLY coloured! I can almost feel it's soft fur on my fingertips! What a most STUNNING card .. and I most certainly do love your ribbon scrunching!!!!!! Beautiful, this is just absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Her sister will truly LOVE this!
ps .. I definitely know what it feels like to craft in between laundry, cleaning, cooking, taking care of a little boy plus a hubby, and doing errands. hahahaha .. whew! We need more hours in each day! LOL!
Much Love to you,
Comme c'est joli!!!
Ton minou est adorable et l'effet du ruban est spectaculaire!
contente de te voir! cette est superbe ton chat est colorié à la perfection j'adore!
Fabulous card Danielle and I'm sure your neighbour was delighted with her commission! Love the little cat, very sweet and your colouring and design are superb.
I'm glad I'm I wasn't alone with the google + problem, I'm finding things are better in the main since I've extracted myself from it LOL. Hope you've managed a relaxing day today. Hugs, Chris x
Quel bel ensemble, j'aime beaucoup ton étampe, trop mignonne, encore bravo Danielle!!! xx
Un vrai petit chef-d'oeuvre, de très beaux détails à admirer autant sur la carte que sur la boîte! Tellement cute l'étampe de minou!! Bravo Danielle!!
Ha Ha!!!!! I knew you had posted, just could not find you post but now I have - Yeah for me. I am so tickled!! Your card is just as cute as it can be Danielle!!!!
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