Je vous souhaite la bienvenue dans mon espace créatif sur le web pour une première participation au groupe Magnolia-licious Christmas All Year Long. Cette participation me permet de laisser aller mon imagination pour créer des cartes de Noël non traditionnelles, ainsi que d'amener Tilda dans un univers imaginaire ! Pour cette première participation, j'ai choisi l'étampe Edwin and Tilda on ice ainsi que la couleur mauve! J'espère que cela vous plaira. J'en profite pour remercier Diana de chez Magnolia-licious, ainsi que Deb de Magnolia-licious Yahoo group et Julie qui organise cette tournée des blogues.
Si vous n'êtes pas arrivée ici depuis le blog de Nadyne, ou que vous êtes perdue, je vous invite à faire un saut au point de départ à Magnolia-licious Christmas all year along. Sinon, continuez votre voyage chez Tanja. Merci de votre visite et bonne exploration!
Good morning everyone,
Welcome in my creative space on the web for my first participation in Magnolia-licious Christmas All Year Long. When I decided to join this group, I had one idea in mind: let my imagination go and create non traditional Christmas Cards, taking Tilda along in an imaginary world. This first card features Edwin and Tilda on ice, in a purple ambiance! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Diana from Magnolia-licious, Deb from Magnolia-licious Yahoo group and Julie who organizes this blog hop.
If you did not arrive to my blog from Nadyne, I invite you to start at the beginning at Magnolia-licious Christmas all year along. Otherwise, please continue your visit at Tanja blog. Thank you for you visit and enjoy your exploration!

Fiche technique/Material used:
Carton/Cadstock: Creative Memories; Papier/Paper: unknown; White Shimmer, Paper Co.
Étampes/Stamps: Magnolia, Edwin & Tilda on ice; Stampin'up Branch out; Inkadinkado: Delicate Branches; Sentiment: Magenta.
Flocons/Snow Flakes: Magenta
Encres/Inks: Stampin'up : blushed blossom, basic black, perfect plum, going grey;
Distress: Stormy sky, tumbled glass, dusty concord
Divers/Miscellaneous: Ruban/ribbon: HA KIdd
Crayons/Markers: Copic
Perfect Pearls
Stickles Frosted Lace & Pebeo black
Doodle Bug Crushed Velvet
Peinture acrylique/Acrylic paint: Windsor Newton,
Purple & White Titanium
Embossage/Embossing Powder: Utee
19 commentaires:
lovely card. Great how the tree sticks out past the circle.
wow! elle est magnifique!!
j'adore ton agencement de couleurs et le format de ta carte! bravo ma belle!! bisou
Nadyne xx
C'est vraiment réussi! Wow!
Elle est dans les ligne mageur.
Il reste seulement 6 mois et tu pourras l'offrir à quelqu'un de très chanceux.
MAGNIFIQUE, Danielle! Très, très réussi ta carte, bravo! Le format est original, j'aime beaucoup!
Bon week-end!
how pretty! love your out of the box treatment for this cute couple!!!
Pam Going Postal
Wow! I love the colors you used on this card! The repetition of various shades of purple is wonderful and I love the fold of the card. You've done a fabulous job, Danielle.
what a beautiful card, love the colors and the scene....very nicely done :)
ooooh-la,la -- this is the prettiest card - I love the colors! I love the back ground - the layout - I love everything!!!!
Sandy D
Wow!!! Vraiement belle ta carte
Beautiful card. I just love the colors you've picked!!! Congrats on your first Christmas All Year Long!!!
This is beautiful, wow! Love everything about it!
Very beautiful! I Love the colors in this, and you've colored them so perfectly! I hope you join us for the rest of the monthly blog hops--I can't wait to see what you create!
What a stunningly gorgeous card, Danielle! You colored the two skaters magnificently....especially love the layout and colors! Beautiful!
Now I'm going to become a follower and check out the rest of your lovely blog.
Such a beautiful card. Your coloring is wonderful.
Thank you for joining us for the Magnolia-licious Christmas All Year Long Blog Hop.
Hi Danielle!
I think your card is super. i love the colors and love how you have made Edwins sweater green. it really stands out.
hugs Marion
Oh marvelous! I love your color and DP choices...and your design is perfect for these little ice skating Maggies!! Your coloring is fab too! Pat Frank
Oh, wow. This is gorgious !! I love it.
Hugs Monique
Dear Danielle :-)
I´m speachless, here in Germany we have nearly 27° C and I´m wishing now (after watching your card), that winter will comes very soon. Your card is so so so so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!! I just can´t say Wow!!!!
Comme toujours tes cartes sont extraordinaires. Tes créations me manquent sur le Forum de Passion Collimagination. J'espère te voir aussi à la boutique. J'y serais les 3 dernières semaines de juillet. Au plaisir de discuter avec toi. J'avais déjà écrit un commentaire mais il s'est perdu.
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