2011 is already 10 days old! I removed all outside decorations on the 2nd, the weather was just perfect. For some reason, I left my Christmas tree until yesterday! This is a very new attitude for me. I guess I am getting closer to a real reconciliation with the Holidays! It's a big step, the first one was participating in Christmas all year long blog hop, all through2010! I must confess I have never been a Christmas Holiday person, more the kind to hibernate on the 24 and wake up on the 2nd! All good things have an end, and if crafting is a therapy for me, this card I started before Christmas is very representative of how it helps me letting my feelings inspire me. With Tilda and Edwin, I offered my Christmas wishes HERE; I saluted 2010 and the in between week HERE; and, finally welcomed 2011 with Tilda taking along the New Year and my dancing little couple rejoycing HERE! Closing celebrations is in the order of things, and I asked Wilma to help me carry the message. I decorated the back of my card, bearing the word "FIN" (the end) like the last screen of a movie. Since all the other panels were inside the house, I decided this one would show the same window from the outside. ..
I stamped and embossed in black this wonderful background from IMpression Obsession on watercolor paper. I colored with distress inks in Antique linen, pumice stone, black soot, and Stampin up Going grey and Sahara Sand. I sprayed with a bit of perfect pearl and water to give a glitter look. The window stamp is the same, from Stampin Up set A ma fenêtre; stamped, embossed and colored with acrylic paint. I used a lamp sticker to give the impression of a real window and decorated with glitter. Wilma and the post are from Magolia stamps, (I can't see them at Magnolia-licious, however, Diana will be pleased to inform you as to their availability); both colored with copics, and acrylic glitter paint for the post. Thelittle light garland is an embossing folder from Cuttlebug, on which I used Stickles in green, red and silver for the lights. The snow is white cardstock sprayed with glimmer mist in Pear and Spanish moss. The snow on the post and window sill is flower soft.
Thank you so much for dropping by, and letting me know what you think. Your kind messages have the same effect as sunshine in my day!

Bon lundi, amies du web,
2011 a déjà 10 jours! Cette fin de semaine, j'ai rangé toutes les décorations de Noël, mon salon a retrouvé son air habituel! Il n'y a maintenant presque plus de traces des fêtes. Ce qui est particulier cette année, c'est que j'ai conservé mon sapin beaucoup plus longtemps, faut croire que je me réconcilie tranquillement avec les fêtes. C'est probablement une conséquence du défi de Magnolia-licious Chrismas All year long,puisque chaque mois je me remettais doucement dans l'esprit des fêtes histoire de créer une carte! Comme toute bonne chose a une fin, je tenais à souligner que vraiment le temps des fêtes est derrière nous. Je vous ai offert mes voeux avec celui-ci; j'ai pris le temps de saluer 2010 avec celui-ci; et d'annoncer l'arrivée de 2011 avec celui-ci. Alors, que dire de décorer l'endos de la carte ...comme dans un film, avec le mot "fin"? Voici donc ma version.
J'ai étampé et embossé à la poudre noire l'étampe de fonds de Impression Obsession sur un papier aquarelle; j'ai utilisé les encres distress suivantes: Antique linen, Pumice stone et Black soot ainsi que celles de Stampin Up: sable du sahara et grisonnant. Le tout vaporisé avec un peu d'eau mêlée à du perfect pearl. La fenêtre, toujours la même étampe, du jeu de SU A ma fenêtre, embossée en noir et peinte à l'acrylique. Pour donner l'illusion de vie derrière la fenêtre, j'ai collé un collant lampadaire, ajouté des brillants et des Stickles. L'affiche et Wilma sont de Magnolia (je ne les vois pas présentement chez Magnolialicious mais Diana peut certainement vous renseigner quant à la disponibilité future). J,ai colorié au Copic, et pour l'affiche, j'ai ajouté de l'acrylique scintillant et embossé le mot "fin" à la poudre noire. Un carton blanc vaporisé de Glimmer mist, en blanc perle et Spanish moss, déchiré et enduit de Stickles a servi à créer la neige. J'ai ajouté aux pattes de Wilma un peu de flower soft blanc, ainsi que sur le bord de la fenêtre et au dessus de l'affiche.
Créer est une thérapie bienfaisante pour moi, et cette carte en est un exemple parfait. Le temps des fêtes en 4 tableaux dans lesquels j'ai laissé parler mes sentiments. J,espère que cela vous a plu.
Merci de me visiter, et de me laisser un mot. Vous lire est un rayon de soleil dans ma journée.

34 commentaires:
très belle carte
tu as toujours de bonnes et belles idées!
Wow Danielle, j'adore ta carte. Le fini fait avec l'étampe de fonds est génial, Super!!
Leuk dat je zo binnen kan kijken langs de venster...heel knap gedaan.Ook de sneeuw op de vensterbank en bij de hond!Een super idee!
Ik begrijp je helemaal...het is voor het eerst dat de Kerstboom nog steeds versierd staat in de huiskamer...nostalgie is het denk ik...dat krijg je als je wat ouder word!LOL!
Heel veel liefs,Celia.
I love the little house you made Danielle! Wilma looks adorable. The snow is amazing. Really stunning card. I love how you think outside the box!
Danielle!!! You always are so creative!! What a wonderful idea!!
I don´t know what to say!! This card is so gorgeous, the background is wonderful with the distress and your coloring is absolutely fantastic!!! I enjoy each element you add in the scene you made.
Have a marvellous week!!!
Hugs and love
Ta carte est magnifique! j'adore ton mur de briques!!! bravo!
nadyne xx
How lovely! But I just want to take Wilma home...do you think she's cold? 'Cuz it is COLD here today! First snowstorm of the season!
Beautiful job!
Rene :D
Darling card. The torn paper "snow" effect is really pretty.
Sue S.
Ok Danielle - let's see if I can copy this just right "j'adore ta carte" Wow! So cute and you my dear are extremely creative -- I love your art work!
Sandy Dehon
Quand on dit que ça frise la perfection...eh bien! c'est ça la perfection!!!
Tu as vraiment l'art de la colorisation et de la mise en scène.
C'est un pur bonheur pour nos yeux!
Toutes mes félicitations! (dommage hein! que la période des Fêtes soit terminée...c'est tellement plaisant de créer avec des étampes de Noël, j'aurais continuer encore un peu moi...)
Wow Danielle! What a wonderful scene. Love the decorations in the window. The house looks awesome and colored so beautifully. Little Wilma sitting there looks so cute and the pink rose just gives enough color to this gorgeous picture. love how you did the snow too.
It is finished!!!
Hugs Maz
Hi Dani! This is so delightful and at last we get to see the final panel of your awesome scene-scape! Your creativity with this card is fabulous, the stone wall, the snow the windows...excellent!!!!
p.s. Muggies is for Magnolia Hugs
LOVE IT Danielle!!! Love the outside of the house and the glimpse of a light fixture!!
Wow......soooooo creative, Danielle!!!
I totally love this little work of art. You did an awesome job with the distress inks! The flower soft is the perfect touch and, of course, Wilma is adorable.
Well done, dear friend!!!
P.S. OMG....slept ALL DAY!!!
So beautiful, Danielle! Your house is awesome, and I love Wilma sitting outside in the snow covered ground! Astounding card! Hugs, Cami
This is an awesome project, especially since you didn't know what to craft. You know, sometime some of the best things come from spontaneity and not really having a plan. Thats pure creativeness. Such a cool share!
Oh how adorable. He's happy in his snow. BRRRRR! We are supposed to get about 4 more inches...tired of snow. I'm ready to do spring cards, so I can maybe feel warm again! LOVE IT TOO Cute!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Hugs from Snowy Indiana
Je suis presque triste de voir le mot fin sur cette création qui a su me tenir en haleine pendant plusieurs semaines. Ton imagination est débordante, c'est merveilleux pour nous les bloggeuses. Bravo ce fut un délice de suivre cette histoire en 4 tableaux.
L'arrière scène est phénoménale!
Une carte parfaite à tous les points de vue!
La colorisation est impeccable!!!
Danielle! OOOOOOOhhhh! This is GORGEOUS and a work of art@ I love that house you made and everything is coloured BEAUTIFULLY! I love love love this! You are an inspiration!
Big Hugs,
wow wow wow Danielle, I love the coloring and the tearing technique. You really made this dog and scene alive. Stunning card :o)
Hi Danielle, I'm nearly speechless after seeing this work of art! Oh soooo clever you are my friend!!!! I love what you.ve done with this scene and your coloring is remarkable! You're creativeness is so inspiring and "Thank You So Much" for sharing all your details! Keep warm! Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Just amazing Danielle ! Love everything about it
so cute Danielle! What an adorable card and fun progression through the Christmas/New Year season! Wonderful coloring and designing! thanks for sharing and inspiring!
Pam Going Postal
Oh Danielle,
I might like this portion of your card the best!
What a story you have told thorough out your wonderful work!
Your house looks wonderful the way you have painted it! I love the light fixture in the window. Wilma is so cute waiting outside with her rose gift for you.
You have a delightful imagination and I have enjoyed so much following this card to it's completion.
Hugs, Candy
aahhh Danielle how did you do that?
iam stitting here and try to find out what colors you used..
this is soooo pretty. even those golden elements int he window frame.
hei.. you guys have now the challange you guys are getting rich this year lol
Ah what a beautiful card. I love the dog - he's very cute.
I hope you had a Lovely Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
Jaqui x
How creative is that??!!! What a fun card you've made Danielle! Loved all the wonderful details you've done!!!
splendide , elle est tres jolie j'aime bcp , bisous nath
C'est triste de mettre cette beauté de chef d'oeuvre en arrière d'une carte.
Le 3D J'aime beaucoup! Mais je n'est pas beaucoup expérimenté, mon prochain défi.
Un petit plis rehaussé de neige un autre qui fait le toit, un pop up pour la fenêtre donne un résultat parfais.
Merci Danielle un pur plaisir à regarder
Stunning Danielle! I love the window with the lighting showing, very creative. Beautiful work!
WOW Danielle, amazing card, absolutely beautiful.
Wow! Votre carte est délicieuse!!! I just love the snow effects, the coloring, the wall behind Wilma, well it looks like an awesome winter wonderland scene to me. You've put some work into it but it payed off. Just Great!
Merci pour votre commentaire sur mon blog; il est toujours agréable d'entendre de votre part:)
Bisous, iulia
HE HE HE Your such a clever lady lol!! Beatiful scenery and the details is mind blowing lol!You thought of everything!! I like the added chandalier inside the house :)I THINK IT'S A WORK OF ART!RubyM:)
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