Happy Friday everyone,
Well, this week is ending with a very very happy note: I received a message from Elise, who is recuperating very well from her surgery, and received VERY GOOD NEWS from the surgeon. I could not wish anything happier. Now, for my card, when Christina suggested a furry friend for our theme, my stamp was already chosen: Tilda with puppy from the 2009 Love Collection. She is my very first Magnolia. Isn't she precious?
Bon vendredi à vous toutes,
La semaine se termine en beauté! J'ai reçu dernièrement un courrie d'Élise qui me disait très bien récupérer de son opération, et m'apprenait de vraies bonnes nouvelles sur son état de santé. Je ne pouvais demander mieux. Assez de blabla, ma carte maintenant. Lorsque Christina m'a proposé d'incorporer un ami poilu à notre carte, je savais tout de suite qu'elle étampe je choisirais: Tilda with puppy de la collection Love, 2009. C'est la toute première Magnolia que j'ai achetée! N'est-elle pas mignonne?
I colored Tilda with distress ink, on 140 lbs Arches watercolor paper, since I have not yet tryed my Copics. Tilda is sitting on the wonderful Swing, from the Magnolia & Lilac 2008 collection. I was inspired by the wonderful sketch from FridaySketchers, No. 144; my paper is from the MiCasa stack from DCDW. The ribbon, lace and stickpin are from my stash. The sentiment is from Stampin Up, Douces pensées set, stamped with Real Red ink.
J'ai colorié Tilda à l'encre Distress, sur papier Arches 140 lbs, puisque je n'ai pas osé essayer mes Copics encore. Elle berce son petit chien, assise sur la magnifique balancoire de la collection Lilac 2008. Je me suis inspirée du sketch No. 144 de Friday Sketchers; mon papier est de la collection MICasa de DCDW. Les rubans, la dentelle et l'épingle à chapeau sont de mon inventaire. Le sentiment provient du jeu Douces pensées de SU, étampé à l'encre rouge gouge.
A while ago, I promised a card to a dear friend whose birthday was in February. I wanted the card to be according to her tastes, she is an artist, an adds a touch of red everwhere! So, I waited until all the conditions lead to proper inspiration. I think I reached my goal and she will be happy. Il y a un bout, j'avais promis à une copine de scrapbooking de lui créer une carte tout à fait personnelle, reflétant ses goûts. Son anniversaire étant bien derrière nous, j'attendais l'inspiration appropriée. C'est une artiste, et elle adore le rouge... Je crois que cette carte réunit toutes les conditions gagnantes! J'espère qu'elle lui plaira.
Thank you very much for your visit and kind comments. I invite you to visit my dear friend and talented artist Christina, as well as our very creative team, all blog addresses are listed below.
Merci d'être venue me visiter, au risque de me répéter, j'adore vous lire, alors laissez-moi un signe de votre passage. J'ai dressé ci-dessous la liste des blogues de mes compagnes qui se sont jointes à Christina et à moi pour ce 23e défi.

Un spellbinder rond festonné, A scallop spelbinder
Une petite boucle A tiny bow
une breloque "clé" au bout A key charm hanging
d'une petit chaine from a little chain
Les 4 coins sont des découpes de Cuttlebug Corners are from Cuttlebug
L,étiquette centrale est de Tim Holtz Center tag from Tim Holz
La merveilleuse étampe est de SU, Gorgeous stamp tag is from
Un jeu qui sortira ce printemps a new SU set called Four FRames
Four FRames, étampé en rouge rouge stamped in Real red
I will enter my card in the Magnolia-licious contest, 1st Category, Full size Magnolia, Easter/Spring Theme.
34 commentaires:
Good morning Hun! Wow....this is absolutely breathtaking! Tilda with her puppy is colored to perfection and, oh my goodness, love those special details. The stickpin is absolutely stunning, as well as the swirl and crochet border around your circle. This is a stunning card!!!!
Elle est magnifique ta carte ma belle Danielle!!! j'adore ta coloration et que dire de ton ciel et gazon, c'est tout simplement MAGNIFIQUE!!!
passe un beau w-e
Nadyne xx
Hi Danielle! What can I say other than FABULOUS!!! You colored Tilda beautifully on that swing. I just purchased the same swing this week. I hope I can color it as good as you! The inside also great along with that stick pin! Gee I could go on and on!!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Tu nous apportes le printemps ce matin avec cette jolie carte!
Une Tilda avec son meilleur ami dans une scène vraiment inspirante!!
Une superbe coloration et ces couleurs...Wow!
Je craque pour ce beau bijou épingle!
Félicitations Danielle!
Bon Vendredi a vous too!!! I want to know one thing - what am I doin' in this group!?! I just came from Christina's and she knocked my socks off and now you have me gasping for breath!! Beautiful and and so sweet - that's because of that cute little puppy! Oh to be that young and innocent again..... Love the colors and your coloring is wonderful - I really like the way you have laid out this piece of art work. Sigh . . Sigh . . Sigh!
Hugs - Sandy
Your coloring is AMAZING! I love all the little details...like how it's slightly lighter in the center of her sleeve! You are so talented! This card is so pretty...and I'm not just saying that because I'm a dog lover ;D
Wow Danielle, tres belle and chic! I really like how you've decorated this card and the scene you have created. It is very pretty!
Danielle, you have really been creating some masterpieces!! This is gorgeous and a true work of art! Beautiful coloring, the colors are divine, and love all your gorgeous detailing! A truly stunning creation!
hugs, Sharon
Your card is gorgeous, the image is colored so well. Bye Mascha
Ah Danielle this is another beautiful card. I love all the red touches - your friend will love it. The little puppy is gorgeous. Hugs. Jaqui x
ta carte est adorable!!
What an adorable card. Love the colors....this image is so cute...I had forgot about this stamp...she is now on my wish list...reminds me of my daughter with our old dog when he was a puppy.
Darling card Danielle! Love the sweet image and all your gorgeous details!
This is absolutely gorgeous! I love the addition of red and your scene is AWESOME! I am always inspired by your work. Your distress ink coloring is amazing. Hugs, Rosie :)
Beautiful card...love your color choices and your embellies.
love the scene that you made and
your coloring..... just beautiful.
hugs Linda
gorgeous designing Danielle and Love how you colored your images! beautiful!
Pam Going Postal
Merci Beaucoup Danielle!
Je suis tellement ému, je le savais qu'un beau jour je recevrais une carte de ta part mais je ne pensais pas que cette douceur m'aurais autant touchée.
Je le savais qu'elle aurais été parfaite mais elle est exceptionnelle.De savoir que tu l'as réalisé en pensant à moi, je suis très émus et contente en même temps.
J'aime la petite fille en salopette avec son chandail rouge
ligné son petit chien dans les bras j'adore bercer les enfants, la nature qui se réveille. Le petit mot ¨tu est trop gentille¨, le bijou le ruban le rouge les brillants, le ciel réalisé avec tant de vent on diraient qu'ils bouge dans le ciel, le papier tourné le papier le battage et pour terminé le soleil dans le fond avec de la dentelle.
Il n'y a absolument rien à redire elle est parfaite une oeuvre d'art que je garderai pour toujours.
Merci profondément du fond du coeur
grosse bises
Your card is just beautiful. Everything all the little details and of course Tilda is so sweetly colored =) Your friend will love it!
Hi Danielle, I love it.. I used this Tilda before and have the swing, but ever thought of using her on the swing.. you have given me a new idea.. more than one.. I shall steal it, okay?? Anyway your card is so wonderful, great colors, your bow and swirl and all your added details are so special.. a gorgeous card.
Hugs, Jean
Oh hugs, hugs, hugs my dear friend. Now you have made me want to use my DI on my next card...what a beautiful job you've done in all aspects of the card. Your take on the sketch is wonderful, I love the flow of the branches up the side of your circle! Very, Very Good!!!
OH Danielle, how cute, cute, cute Tilda and her puppy are on there swing!!! Makes me want to just go over and join them hehe! Beautiful job!!!
Judy K.
GORGEOUS card, Danielle. Your cards are always so professional looking, well thought out with the papers, trims, embellies, and beautiful coloring. I like the lace behind your mat piece.
Hugs, Cami
Wow Danielle! Your Tilda card is Gorgeous! Your coloring is just better and better all the time. I love how just a hint of the red from the card is carried into the image n her shirt. Fabulous!
Oh my words, Danielle! Your coloring is amazing! Just love this cute little scene and the stamp choices. Great colors too( I just love red:)) and magnifique details (love that lace border and the gorgeous sentiment).
Your friend will certainly love your masterpiece!
hugs, Iulia
Bonjour Danielle ,
Mais qu'est ce qu'elle est belle ta carte et que dire de ta colorisation somptueuse !!!
Elle fait entrée le printemps et je suis sure que ton amie va adoré .
Danielle!! gasp! This is incredible! I LOVE your colouring and your dp's to match this is BEAUTIFUL!! This scenery is just ... wow wow wow! I am trying to take everything in ... I loooove it! And your friend will DEFINITELY love this as well!!!
Awww, she is adorable!
I love the red and brown together! The whole image has been coloured in beautifully and the bow tops it off perfectly. Hugs, Becca
Danielle ta carte est vraiement belle!!!! J'aime bien le petit chien!!!!
Très belle carte. Je suis sure que la personne à qui elle est destinée va l`adorer. La couleur rouge est superbe.
Line :)
YOUR AWARD FACTS LOL! UMM i bet you will look cute in a three wheel.Nice to learn more about you.
Your maggie with puppy is so stinckin cute! That border on the background circle is so pretty!!That stick pin is beyond gorgeousness lol! YOUR DP is stunning wow! Your friend is going to melt when she sees it lol!
Your pink LO is precious and yet again anothet stunning stick pin! I am in awe of all your work and makes me sad i don't get here right away.I'm terribly sorry but i still get here late but never forget lol!
BTW! I read your email on your reply to your scene card.It made me smile so big!I read it on my husbands phone and when i wanted to reply once i got to my laptop i couldn't find it.Just to let you know i read it and you are so sweet((hugs))Ruby♥
Hi Danielle...oh oh oh!! I love the way you have Tilda & her puppy in the swing...I have both of these stamps...and would not have thought to combine them!! Brilliant, sweetie! I love this card. And that ribbon/bow is the BEST!! Good luck in the Mag Highlites Challenge! Hugs.
Pat Frank
Hello Danielle, Beautifu card dear.. Loveing the colors and the details are always fab on your projects..
Thank you for joining us at Magnolia-licious Highlights Spring Challenge. Good Luck.
hugs, Janiel
Je ragarde ta carte et j'ai bien hâte que les premières feuilles poussent. Elle inspire le printemps mais elle pourrait aussi bien représenter le temps des pommes (que j'aime beaucoup)Une carte encore très inspirante Bravo!
Marie-Eve xxx
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