Happy Friday dear friends,
Christina, our talented team mates and I welcome you to our 46th Inventory challenge. This week our theme is TREES; and we are happy to dedicate our work to our dearest Jacque, because trees are strong, and seem to weather a lot of adversity, says Christina, I would add with serenity and courage. Jacque went through her pink journey, like a three through storms and rainbows, stood there strong, and courageous. I thereby dedicate my card to you Jacque, for your inspiration, your sharing, your kindness, your courage, you are a beautiful soul, and I consider myself very privileged to know you, to visit you.
Namaste, as we say in Yoga. Bon vendredi chères amies,
Christina, nos talentueuses coéquipières et moi vous accueillons pour notre 46e défi. Cette semaine, notre thème est: ARBRE, et nous sommes heureuses de dédier notre travail à Jacque, parce que les arbres traversent vents et marées en toute sérénité et avec beaucoup de courage, comme Jacque, qui a traversé l'éprouvante route du cancer. Jacque, je te dédie bien humblement cette carte, pour ton inspiration, ton partage, ta tendresse et ta générosité, ton courage, tu es une belle âme, et je suis prévilégiée de te connaître, et de te visiter. Namaste, comme le disent les yogi.
My card was decided ever since I saw Yoga Tilda in Tree posture. For those closer to me, it will not come to a surprise! I practiced Yoga many years, it is one of the discipline I loved most. It changed my way of looking at life, at myself and at others. I think it made me a better human being. Although I don't have a regular asana practice anymore, Yoga philosophy is very present in my life. The Asana (posture) Tilda is in, is the Tree pose, or Vrksasana, was my favourite, as it always represented a balance challenge for me, especially with eyes closed!!!! Isn't Tilda the most adorable yogi on earth? I think so, and. wish you a very beautiful day, as we say in yoga: Namaste.
Mon choix d'image, Yoga Tilda, ne surprendra pas mes amies proches! Je n'ai acheté que deux étampes dans cette nouvelle colection, The Winner Takes it all, mais Yoga Tilda était un must. Durant plusieurs années, j'ai eu une pratique de Yoga quotidienne, mais j'ai dû y renoncer. Cependant, la philosophie du yoga m'habite profondément, et je demeure convaincue que cette discipline a changé ma vie et ma façon de vivre et de me comporter. La posture prise par Tilda s'appelle Vrksasana, la posture de l'arbre; et elle était une de mes favorites. Chaque fois, c'était pour moi un défi d'équilibre, particulièrement les yeux fermés. Ne trouvez-vous pas que Tilda est une adorable yogi? Je le pense... et vous souhaite une journée fabuleuse, et comme disent les yogi, Namaste.
On to my card, Tilda was colored with Copics, and shaded her with Prismacolor. The beautiful die cut behind Tilda was made with my Cricut, paper lace cartridge. I made the lbeaded leaves and branches.
Ma carte maintenant, Tilda est coloriée avec les Copics, and les accents aux Prismacolor. La découpe provient de la cassette Paper lace, de cricut. Les feuilles et les branches sont en rocailles tissées avec du fil de cuivre.
The Tree with a heart from Magnolia, colored with Copics, to decorate the writing pannel
L'arbre avec un coeur de Magnolia, il décore si bien l'espace prévue pour l'écriture. Il est colorié aux Copics.
The inside mandala Tree of Life, was colored with Faber Caste, Prisma color on Strathmore Bristol Paper ( I found the mandala image on the web)
J'ai trouvé cette magnifique image du manada de l'arbre de la vie sur le web. Il est colorié avec des Faber Castel, des Prismacolor sur Bristol.
A close up of the beaded branches.
Un gros plan des branches en rocalles.
Thank you very much for your visit, your comments always warm my heart. I would like to invite you to visit my very talented friend and teamates, to admire their fabulous creations
Je vous remercie votre visite, chacun de vos commentaires me comblent. J,aimerais vous inviter à visiter mes amies et coéquipières afin d'admirer leurs magnifiques créations:
Étampes: Magnolia Yoga Tilda, (The winner takes it all Collection)
Tree w/Heart, Spring Collecion 2008
Cricut Paper Lace cartridge
Spellbinder Scalloped circles
Paper: BAsic Grey Out of print collection (disponible chez Scrapbook ta vie)
Cardstock : Su Roche Rivière, Noir,
Glimmer mist: Sand & Spanish moss; Perfect pearl, in pearl color
22 commentaires:
Good Morning Danielle! I see you are using up your bead inventory to make some beautiful leaves and branches. My goodness they are gorgeous on this gorgeous card. I love everything on this card and your coloing of Tilda is great. Great find on that mandala tree of life. You are sooooooooo UNIQUE and TALENTED!!! What beauty to wake up to! Have a fabulous safe weekend!
Hugs, Cathy
I see your gorgeous beaded leaves!!!
Your card is stunning and Tilda is colored to perfection and surrounded by so much beauty!
A beautiful work of art, dear friend!
Okay you funny lady -- you did make me laugh!! I first saw this card and thought "now what does this have to do with trees?" and then I read what you wrote and started laughing. Tilda in the tree position. Danielle, you have the best sense of humor that's for sure. Then you turn the tables on me and use the most gorgeous die cut I think I have ever seen. The embellishments on the front are gorgeous - hmmmm, you are giving me some ideas for Halloween. It is so much fun seeing how all of our different styles dance around each other and we get to know each other more from the cards we create.
Lots of love,
You sneaky girl...tree pose! How brilliant!!!!
Love this card...you have colored her so beautifully. Jacque will be thrilled that she inspired such beauty!
Rene :D
De toute beauté!
Tu as de l'imagination à revendre...j'ai toujours hâte de voir tes défis...tu m'inspire
Encore une très belle composition!
What a fabulous and intriguing card! I had no idea about all the symbols you used in creating it. (I've never been into yoga - maybe should be) The mandala is striking in its complexity. All of the elements on the front are just perfect. Tilda is colored so nicely. Wonderful card and I'm sure Jacque will be thrilled with it.
WOW!! Really gorgeous design!! I love your pretty layout and your coloring on Tilda is awesome!! ;) TFS!
Dani, this is so fabulous.. love the front with the yoga Tilda and all the beautiful beading.. so creative.. and the insidewith the tree so smart... you got it in.. you did good.. great card..
Hugs, Jean
Beautiful card . Very elegant
Hugs Julie P
Gorgeous card, Danielle, The tree is beautiful, and this yoga Tilda in perfect for the message.
Hugs, Cami
Beyond stunning, Dani! Reading your tribute to Jacque touched my heart to the core! Every detail on this card is gorgeous, your beaded branches, leaves and the beautiful mandala on the inside! Simply stunning my dear, stunning!!!
Olá, Danielle!
Estou chegando hoje em seu blog.
Seus cartões são maravilhosos e gostei de seus desafios.
Sou do Brasil e gostaria de participar; é possível? como faço? desculpe, não entendi bem.
Obrigada. Abraços.
Adoro Jacque, acho-a uma mulher incrível!!! Muito linda a homenagem que vocês fizeram a ela!
Vou agora visitar suas amigas de equipe.
Gorgeous and pretty beaded embellishment for this cute Tilda. Love it and of course your card is awesome :o)
Très bonne idée cette étampe!
Le lien est très bien fait avec Jacque.
La découpe va à merveille avec ce thème...de même que l'arbre!!
Très belle réalisation!
Beutiful card! I love the beads.
Danielle, thank you so very much for those kind and sweet words...but I don't feel very deserving of them!! Hon, I depended upon alot of people for support! I am so humbled that your group has dedicated this week's challenge to me and I so appreciate your kind words!! Your card is so GORGEOUS!!!! You have definiterly done magic with that image in your coloring of her and with all of the very special details you have added!!!!!! Big hugs...Jacque
Wow, this is such a cute card.
Ooooh Danielle! This is soOooO BEAUTIFUL! Oooh how I love that black/cream background .. it adds a touch of Zen like feel to it! :) And you've coloured Tilda beautifully as always~ the inside is so STUNNING as well! :) Love everything!!! GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS!
Much Love,
Bravo! encore une fois une superbe carte avec un très belle histoire. bravo pour cette belle réalisation.
Nadyne xx
bonne soirée Danielle ta carte est tout simplement magnifique a bientôt!!!
jane alias zamaline
Y'a de la recherche dans cette carte.
Tu l'as l'affaire! tout est parfais. La rocaille georgeous! Le lien entre la position de Tilda et l'arbre colorié à l'intérieur c'est une recherche qui prend du temps et de la suite dans les idées. Rien n'a été placé sur ton oeuvre juste pour être placé sur la feuille Chapeau
Grosses bise
J'ai tout de suite remarqué que cette carte avait quelques choses de plus. Je ne pourrais pas dire quoi. Quelques chose ma fait décollé de mon dossier de chaise... Peut-être parce que tu m'as déjà parlé du Yoga et ce qu'il ta aidé a accomplir... Peut-être parce que moi même je serais dû pour en commencer... Mais bon je sens que tu as réunis deux choses qui sont très importante à tes yeux en terme de valeur...Bref on voit toutes l'amour que tu as mis dans cette carte. J'aime beaucoup le manada de l'arbre que j'avais jamais vu ailleurs avent.
Encore bravo pour ta carte!
Marie-Eve xxx
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