Happy Friday ,
Another Friday, Christina, our team mates and I welcome you to our 44th challenge, which theme is frame. It all started with Beautiful Tilda, from the Butterfly Dream Collection I wanted to color so much. She looks as if she is coming straight from heaven, so I searched for the perfect background and found "Stairway to heaven" , a beautiful digi stamp from Make it Crafty. I used Cobblestone Path to create the frame around my background. I also wanted to experience a technique, HERE, I learned from Annika, Another Messy Crafter who suggests to print digi stamps on watercolor paper, and simply WASH the image under the tap, thus preventing any leakage or staining of the coloring. I does work beautifully. Watercolor painting offers this transparency, this vapourous look I wanted to give to my card. I was searching for a sentiment... I though it would make such a perfect non-traditional sympathy card. The softness of Tilda, her angel look, as though she is coming straight from heaven inspired me through all the creating process. We all need such cards at one time or another, and I think the sweet look of Tilda is just perfect to express our thoughs in such difficult times. I would love to hear what you think.
Bon Vendredi,Une autre fin de semaine qui s'annonce avec notre 44e défi! Cette semaine, Christina, et moi avons choisi : CADRE, comme thème. Pour cette carte, mon aventure créatrice a commencé avec le choix de Beautiful Tilda, que je n'avais pas encore eu la chance de colorier. Elle est si mignonne,on dirait qu'elle descend tout droit du ciel. J,ai donc choisi pour elle une scène idéale: une étampe digi de Make it Crafty, intitulée Stairway to heaven, pour faire le cadre tout autour j'ai pris Cobblestone path. J'ai aussi voulu expérimenter une technique proposée par Annika, Another Messy Crafter, dont voici lien: ICI,qui permet de colorier avec de l'encre des images digi. Il suffit d'imprimer l'étampe digi sur du papier aquarelle, et de le LAVER à grande au, puis de le faire sécher. Ceci permet de fixer l'encre et de ne pas faire de gâchis lorsqu'on colore. C'est extraordinaire! Je tenais à colorier avec de l'encre, car la transparence de ce médium offre le style vaporeux tout à fait approprié pour cette image. C'est en cherchant un sentiment, que cette carte est devenue une carte de sympathie, tout à fait non traditionnelle. Mais cette Tilda exprime si bien l'écoute et la compassion nécessaire lorsque l'on traverse une période de deuil, que je la trouvais parfaite. Qu'en dites-vous?
This panel gave me problems. I had to play with the thickness of the frame, sticking out on the inside.
J'ai dû jouer avec l'épaisseur du cadre et coller mon image en relief.
I wanted to let a nice space for writing, I used watercolor paper and this gorgeous stamp from a set called "Il Suffit d'y croire" from SU. The magnificient DP, is from INKIDO, it is called Forever, and is a gift from Christina. It is so beautiful, that I was scared to cut into it.
Pour l'espace d'écriture, j'ai imprimé cette jolie étampe, embossée, surpapier aquarelle. Le papier design en dessous est si magnifique, que j'avais peur de le couper. Il s'appelle Forever, de la collection INKIDO. un cadeau de Christina.
This is a view from the frame. it is about 1/4 " deep. Before I add the top image.
Un gros plan du cadre, environ 1/4 de pouce de profondeur, avantque je ne colle l'image du dessus.
A side view of the card, to give an idea of the frame.
Une vue latérale de la carte, pour en apprécier l'effet 3d.
Thank you for your visit, and for all the wonderful comments , I appreciate very much, they make my day! Please continue your visit to my dear friends' and team mates' blogs. You only have to click their name to admire their beautiful creations. See you next week.
Merci de votre visite, et de vos gentils commentaires, j'apprécie beaucoup, vous faites ma journée. S'Il vous plaÎt, continuer votre visite chez mes amies et coéquipières, vous n'avez qu'à cliquer sur leur nom, pour admirer leurs magnifiques créations. à la semaine prochaine.

35 commentaires:
Perfection Danielle, beautiful colouring, fabulous design, just gorgeous.
Danielle ta carte est merveilleuse elle fait rêver Bravo!
HI Danielle
This is absolutely stunning!! I love how you created the layers and your coloring is fabulous. Thanks for tip with the watercolor paper.
Oh my word, Hon, this just blows me away.....this is a work of art!!!!
Absolutely phenomenal!!!! I think you achieved everything you wanted to achieve with this beautiful creation. Loving it!
Oh Danielle!! this card has truly touched my heart. Spectacular!!! Your coloring of this gorgeous creation is sheer perfection. I don't become speechless very often, but you've done it to me today. Stunning!
hugs, Sharon
Ta carte est magnifique! j'adore ton effet cadre 3D et que dire de ton paysage, bravo!
Nadyne xx
Good Morning Danielle! What beauty to wake up to!! Your artist ability has no limit. This is phenomenal!!! What a heavenly scene you've created here and your coloring is divine indeed! Beauty inside and out. WOW I'm in AWE!!
Hugs, Cathy
Absolutely stunning work Dani! Oh, you've achieved such fabulous depth and your water coloring is completely fabulous. What a beautiful scene you created with Beautiful Tilda...awesome, awesome, awesome....
You know dear friend - I really don't know what to say. It's like anything I say will sound so superficial. You are really an artist. Your creation is heavenly that's for sure. Wonderful sympathy card Danielle. The paper is indeed beautiful. I am done for - that is what Johnny Depp said when he saw his wife for the first time!
Absolutely stunning design!! LOVE your coloring and gorgeous scene you've made!! :)
How sweet is that. Beautiful coloring.
What a darling card, Danielle!!! I just love the depth you have added with the frame!!! and what a magnificent setting for that beautifully colored little sweetie!!! Just precious!! Hugs..Jacque
What a fabulous card.
Que c'est beau Danielle!
Tu as bien exploité la carte cadre. J'adore ta mise en situation, tout est très joli!!
This is such a beautiful card! You certainly did create a soft, heavenly looking card. What a lot of work you put into it! Your coloring is perfect. The watercolor technique you tried gave excellent results.
I love your card.
Tu es très talentueuse Danielle et tes productions sont toujours de toute beauté mais tes aquarelles me touche vraiment beaucoup. C'est pleins de tendresse de chaleur d'amour.
J'aime aussi énormément l'idée du 3D À quand ton vernissage d'oeuvre de scrapbooking hihihi
Grosse bises
Danielle, I am in awe of this frame. I love your 3-D front page, your stairway to heaven, coblestone path and flowers then putting the fairy Tilda in front is so smart and I love your colors you used.. so smart and lovely.. also adore the inside as well...
A gorgeous card, one your are destined to make many more of, that is to send to your many friends!!! LOL
Hugs, Jean
Absolutely Beautiful
Hugs Julie P
Oh Danielle!! This is just the most stunning work of art!! I love each and every element...your coloring is gorgeous!! And the scene you created is just perfect!! You are an amazing artist, my sweet friend!! Thanks for the links...I will definitely check 'em out!! Have a great weekend, darlin'!! Hugs. Pat Frank
Very pretty.
BEAUTIFUL, Danielle! Always such a pleasure to see your new creations. Your coloring is stunning as well as your layouts.
Hugs, Cami
Danielle this is just amazing ! Wow is all I can say what a great card prefect images and your coloring is always just amazing!
OMGGGGGGGGGGGG! Danielle! This is incredibly AMAZING! All of the details you put into this is mind blowing! Your colouring, the layout, the techniques ... EVERYTHING is just STUNNING beyond words! I love this so much!!!
Hi Danielle, this is one stunning piece of work. A beautiful creation indeed.
Suzi x
Wow Danielle, you did an amazing job on your coloring for this card. It's gorgeous!!
Oh what a Heavenly blessing! This makes a perfect sympothy card. Very beautiful.
wow ta carte est vraiment magnifique!!!
What a beautiful scene you have created here! So magical!
Rene :D
Wow splebndide magnifique!!!!! Just a wonderful gorgeous card again Danielle!!!!!
Genila, non magnifique dette carte.
je vais à nouveau bien la regarde car j'aimerai arriver comme vous à faire de magnifique cart
merci pour ce merveilleux partage..
Que du bonheur
That's beautifull Danielle !!I love it. Your colouring is wonderfull.
Hugs Monique
Tu es d'une ingéniosité sans pareille!!!Wow...wow...et rewoooow!
Tu m'inspire par toutes ces beautés!
Danielle, this is stunningly gorgeous. I love this Beautiful Tilda--she is one of my faves--beautifully coloured as always. Love the glitter/sparkles you've added. Awesome work in creating the background. Love reading the details of how you went about it. I adore your frame card!
I am so thankful that you shared this with me Danielle - it is just so beautiful and so much work and effort has gone into it. Sending you special hugs. Zoe xxoo
OMG, Danielle, girl you simply rock these days! Is it the Quebec air different than here, cause I feel totally uninspired these days...:)?
You've gathered here so many techiniques and your coloring keeps blowing me away. Great idea to draw a background plan like this- I might use this too in the future- looks fantastic!
This Tilda surely looks as if descended from the skies- love your description and the way you imagine a story round your cards- it's great to actually feel what you design.
Just love everything about it!
Hugs, Iulia
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