Depuis un certain temps, l'idée de commencer un art journal me titille, seulement, voyez-vous, le mot lui-même me fait frémir, et je suis incapable d'aller plus loin. À toutes les fois que je suis allée dans une boutique où ces articles sont bien en vue, je m'arrête, je prends dans mes mains le grand format, le redépose, pas du tout convaincue. Alors, le petit, certainement moins intimidant... Pas plus. J'ai la trouille... J'ai fouillé mes entrailles à la recherche d'une explication juste, je vous en épargne les détails, mon message d'aujourd'hui n'est pas le but! Rusée comme un vieux renard, disait ma grand-mère, bien voilà c'est ce dont il est question dans mon message aujourd'hui.J,entends être rusée par rapport à mon cerveau gauche que je tiens responsable de mon malaise. OH! ce qu'il est puissant et dictateur! La ruse me permetra peut-être de lui donner suffisamment à faire pour qu'il me laisse l'aisance pour créer. Je m'organise pour qu,il puisse critiquer constructivement, sans venir détruire mes efforts.
Happy Saturday,
I have been very interested lately by everything concerning "art journal", however, the word "journal" has this "official" meaning that cuts square the inspiration process that art is all about. Each time I visit a crafting shop, I stop by the display unit, take the large size, and put it back; to hold the smaller size, thinking I would feel less intimidated, no such luck. I get cramps, just thinking about it! Of course, I thought much about this situation, have found lead to focus on, but I will spear you the details, since it is not the purpose of this post. I am going to play "smart" with my left side of the brain, that I blame entirely for being such a nuisance to my creative process. I have decided to offer the right side of my brain a suitable field to express itself, without my interior critique destroying all its efforts.
Here is my plan to give enough distraction to my left side of brain: My art journal will not be called an art journal, and I will use mostly english to express myself in it! And, I will use an altered sketch book, in which the pages do not particularly like the wet media. This is the deal I am able to live with. Here is why: this sketch book along with a pile of almost new art furniture gives you a idea of my efforts, and all the hope I had placed in the many courses or workshops I took along the years to tame this inner critique. To this date, only Tilda succeeded in calming my left brain, simply because my inspiration was focused on her, not on me. The purpose of an art journal is to let the inner self to express feelings and moods with colors, shapes etc. The word art journal has something very official, if I can easily write a journal with words, I cannot draw in a journal, even less put colors on my moods... By not giving the name "art journal" to my book, I will try to make it a project enabling me to play, to freely put my fingers in paint. So this is it, my words on this page are my commitment, and you are dear readers, my witnesses.
Je partage avec vous cette première page, qui s'appelle "Journey". Bien que l'on traduise ce mot par "voyage, parcours" je crois que le sens du mot "journey" n'est bien rendu que par lui-même, soit: "A process or course likened to traveling; a passage". J'entamme ici, une nouvelle étape de mon processus créatif, et je verrai à venir le partager avec vous, entre 2 cartes, 2 pages d'album.Si parmi vous, il y a quelqu,un qui fait face à des obstacles similaires, je vous invite à prendre ma main, et à suivre mes petits pas dans ce processus.
Bonne fin de semaine!
I wish you a lovely weekend.

12 commentaires:
C'est super beau Danielle!!!!! J'aime la 3D que tu as très bien rendu. Ton ciel est merveilleux et on dirait que c'est une montgolfière qui prend son départ (parfait pour ta Journey)!!!! J'adore, Bravo pour ta magnifique création. Bises, Brigitte
I salute you, my friend! Absolutely the colors and texture as well as the letters....!
Beautiful beginning to your journey and "sketchbook"!
Great job Danielle. You are off to a fantastic start. I too feel like you and can relate to what you are saying. So I will enjoy this journey along with you!
Hugs, Cathy
oh ma Danielle tu y va fort en se début d'année scolaire. Je suis très fière de toi. Je te souhaite bien du plaisir a créer ton cahier. Au plaisir de se voir bientôt. xxx
Well you just do not have enough hands!! Christina is on your right and Cathy is on your left and here I come running behind!! I do believe that most of us have that critic and I do believe that the people who don't probably think more of themselves than they should!! The hand writing is on the wall - I will be telling you what a fabulous artist you are forever. And Danielle you are so good. Your beginning page is fabulous and it shows not only your talent but the excitement and fear that is in this journey.
Love you kid!
OH-MY-GOSH! Danielle! When I saw this on FB .. I thought, "Wowwwww! This is AMAZING!" Then I see it here again .. and I'm still like, "Woowww, this is A-MA-ZING!" The way you created this, the colors, the textures I see and feel ... it's just BRILLIANT! I love love LOVE it so much!!!!! Keep them coming! :) You're inspiring!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Much Love,
Very interesting effect, love it
have nice weekend
Cette première page est vraiment très réussie Danielle, j'adore!!! Bonne chance pour la suite, je ne suis pas inquiète, avec ton talent, ce sera très beau!!!
Pour une première, ouf, c'est très réussi!!!
Danielle tu es une artiste! bravo!!!
Well, well, well, look at you Danielle!!!
How wonderful and exciting your journey will be is all up to you! :-)
And I love your invitation to make the journey together with your readers and followers!
Your start is very expressive in many ways but I only want to compliment you on your artwork!!
Your bold colours and layout is vibrant and you know what?!
You can never, EVER go wrong, because this 'journey' is all about you and about what you want to express and share with us!
A great idea and I can't wait what your next pages will be like! :-)
Oh Danielle, don't stop at this one photo, this is a gorgeous piece of work! Those colors and and the masks are gorgeous the way you put them. I need more photos to please my eyes! You are a tease! Love the writing you did and love the way you expressed it!!! Hugs Kelly
The colours are stunning, very creative
Hugs Julie P
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